In Another World With You

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He lips were against mine, it felt right. Then the door opened and Louis pulled back, Niall was standing in the doorway. He giggled "I thought you didn't kiss on the first date chap" "Niall shut up and go back inside" Louis said threw his teeth. I just awkwardly stood there, Niall patting Louis on the shoulder "You did good lad" he laughed and went back inside, has the door closed I heard him yell "Hey guys Lou is gonna get some action tonight" "I am going to kill him" Louis said, "Well better get inside or they will come after us." He grabbed my hand, and opened the door. Harry and Niall were playing the Xbox, "Hey Louis, don't kiss and tell" Harry commented, Niall laughed. "Hey Haz, you got something in your hair" Louis walked to the back of the couch and flicked Harry in the head. "Damn it Lou, you made me miss the goal." "Yeah I am sure that was the reason. He grabbed my hand and we went upstairs, on the way up we ran into Liam. "You guys have fun?" "Yeah we did, isn't Dani coming tomorrow?" "Yeah she is. She'll be here at noon." I could tell Liam really like this Dani girl cuz when Louis asked his eyes light up. "Well I am off to bed" Liam said walking by us. Louis stopped at my door and dropped my hand. "So I was wondering if you would wanted to go to lunch with me tomorrow" he looked straight into my eyes, "Yeah I would love to" I said smiling. "Great I was thinking around twelve if that's okay with you" "Sounds great" I reached for the door still keeping eye contact, hoping he would kiss me again. "Okay sounds good" he said as he brushed my hair away from my face. He leaned in and gave a peck on the lips. "Goodnight Emily" "Goodnight Louis" I opened the door and stepped inside. He smiled and walked away, I closed the door behind me. I threw my shoes on the bed, and grabbed my phone. I dialed Taryn, "Hello" "Taryn I just had the best night of my life" "Really? How come?" "Well I went on a date with Louis" "Oh my god! I'm so happy for you how was it? What did you do?" "It was really good he is such a sweetheart, we went to this fancy reasturant, we talked and just ate" "Aww well I am so happy for you Em" "Yeah I am really happy, but-" "Oh no there is a but" "As we were coming out of the restaurant the paparazzi attacked us" "Are u you okay!?" She sounded worried and scared. "Yeah I am fine, it just made me think. I really like Louis alot, but I am not sure if I can deal with all the cameras and the fans." "Yeah I can see where you are coming from. If you want my opinion it shouldn't matter, as long as you love him and he loves you." "Thanks Taryn you always know what to say" "It's nothing, but it is late and I have to go, when are you coming here?" "I am not sure but I will try my best to be out of here by next week, that way we have two weeks left for us to chill." "Alright, well I miss you, love you, stay safe" "I miss you to, love you to, I will bye" "bye" she hung up. I went into the bathroom and changed out of my dress into my pj's. I laid down and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't.

The next morning I got up around ten, I through on some shorts and a t-shirt. I didn't want to look to nice to go to breakfast, I grabbed my black beanie and headed down stairs. "Hey Emily" said Niall taking half the pancakes. "Morning Niall" I said smiling, "How did you sleep?" "Pretty good, and you?" I was trying to hind the fact that I was up until like four. "Pretty good" I picked up the apple juice and poured myself a glass. Niall looked at me considered, "You aren't going to eat?" I looked at the ground, "I am not really that hungry" "Oh, well come on, I saved you a seat" we walked into the dinning room, Liam and Harry were chatting at the end of the table. They looked up "Morning Niall, Emily" "Good morning" Niall said cheerfully. He sat down next to Liam and I sat down next to Niall. Harry sat across from me, he smiled and said "So Emily, how was your date with Lou" I looked down at my apple juice trying not to blush. "It was nice" Niall giggled, Liam gave him a look. "Do you like him?" Harry asked, "Uh, yes" "Well that is good" said Liam, and glanced at Harry. We heard a car horn, Liam jumped up "Dani is here" he ran out the front door. Niall and Harry followed, I sat at the table and stared out the window. Thinking to myself, someone's lips pressed to my check, "Morning beautiful" Louis said into my ear. I giggled and said "Hi" "Where is everyone" "They went outside, something about Dani is here" "Oh Dani is Liam's Girlfriend, I'll introduce you." he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. I stood up and we walked to the door, Niall was bringing in her bags. "Morning Louis, Dani is here" Niall said on the way in. Harry was getting the rest of her stuff out of the car, Liam was hugging her. "Hey Dani" Louis said, Liam stepped back. "Hey Louis, long time no see" Louis laughed. She stepped forward and gave him a hug. "Oh Dani this is Emily, she is my friend" she smiled "Nice to me Emily" "Nice to meet you to" I said smiling. "Can we help you with anything?" Louis asked "Harry you got it?" She asked "Yeah I got it" Harry said headed to the door. Louis took my hand and we followed behind. Louis looked at his phone."It's twelve, I forgot about our lunch date" "It's fine" "Are you still hungry" he asked. "Yeah I could go for some lunch" I said smiling. "Meet me back here in 10 minutes" "Sure" he kissed me on the cheek "See you in a few, darling" he sprinted upstairs. I couldn't help but giggle. Dani gave Liam a look, he nodded, "Hey Emily do u need help with what to wear?" Vanessa asked. "That would be great" I said smiling. We headed up stairs, I could hear Dani and Liam talking. "I think you should wear a cute little sun dress" Vannessa said. We got to my room and she looked through my closet. "What about this" she pulled out a white dress. "I don't know, is it to short" "try it on and lets see" I went into the bathroom and changed. I came back out and Vanessa was sitting on the bed with Zayn. "Wow Emily you look amazing." Vanessa said. Zayn sat on the edge of the bed staring, "What do you think Zaynie" "she looks amazing" "thanks" I said smiling "what about my hair" I asked. "I think u should leave it down but pull your bangs back" I went into the bathroom and fixed my hair, Vanessa handed me some black flats. "Zayn picked these out" she said. "Cute I like them" I said sliding my feet into the shoes. She opened the door "You don't want to keep him waiting do you" "thank you so much" I said hugging her on the way out.

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