Going Home

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April 25

8:56 PM

I am currently  sitting on a tree branch 16 feet from the ground.

My legs, swaying slightly in the light breeze.

I remember sitting up here when I was smaller.

When things were okay...

I remember actually feeling happy.


I wrote another poem.

I think this one is better than the last one.

I really do hope you like it; my dear loving, and caring family...

Letting Go

Death is so easy to reach,

Its right at your fingertips

A blade to the wrist, a bullet through the head,

A step over the edge...

It would be so simple,

So simple,

To end a life no one cares about

Nobody would notice,

The absence of an invisible girl

I never smile,


Not even now...

How could my own parents,

Not know,

Something was wrong?

Couldn’t they hear me?

Weeping every night,

For two years?

Every morning they would look at me,

And I would look back, with hollow eyes,

And see nothing

The emptiness grew larger with every passing day,

More painful.

In the end, there was nothing left to live for,

Nothing at all

Except for letting go...

Death was easy to reach,

It was right at my fingertips

Its a full moon tonight.

And the stars appear brighter than usual.

I guess they're happy...

They're getting ready to welcome me.

They're welcoming me back home.

I've never seen anything more beautiful.

Well, I guess I shouldn't keep them waiting. 

Let me just set this pen down...

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