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"Don't worry," the man started, noticing how I was about to lash out with my powers. "We'll only need to register you. There's no need for—" he eyed my hands. "—hostile measures."

I exhaled in frustration, relaxing my hands and looking up at Tommy in alarm. Register? He eyed me and shook his head subtly, giving me a stern expression.

The man led us outside the hospital and into a black government car. Apparently, there was a building somewhere in town where the registration would take place. I was nervous the whole ride and Tommy was more so. I kept chewing on my bottom lip as my eyes darted all around.

"What's wrong?" Tommy whispered, nudging my shoulder gingerly. "You're not registered?"

"I am," I looked up at him and whispered back. "Just not in this country."

We entered the building and got ushered into one of the registration rooms. Various things—from eye and fingerprint scanners to DNA identifiers—were scattered all over the room.

A male doctor in a suit came. "Are you registered Miss...?"

"Lana Rosier." The previous man—Agent Keller—supplied, reading from a long bond paper, possibly a photocopy of my fake birth certificate.

"Yeah but not here." I answered, keeping my face stoic.

"An immigrant, I see." Keller mused, scanning the rest of the papers. "But no matter, we just need another blood test and then we'll install the tracking device on you—"

"I'm already tagged." I lied quickly, holding my left wrist with a circular scar out.

Keller was too stupid to realize that if you were tagged in a separate country, it is disabled once you enter another. But even then, I'd still be safe as dad surgically removed the device out days after I got it. I had help from some of my friends too, who hacked the system to make it look like it was still on me.

"Very well," Keller nodded. "Let's get your tests then," he let Tommy and I sit on separate chairs as two lady nurses came in and collected our blood, then collected our DNA, and then took mug shots. I stood by as I watched the doctor put a chip in a large injection.

"Wait," Tommy suddenly became apprehensive. "What is that?"

"A tracking device with a satellite uplink in the sky so we always know where you are." He pointed it to Tommy's left wrist as I subconsciously rubbed mine. "It used to be put in the hand but we didn't want to nick an artery." He explained. "You have an allowed radius. Breach it, an alarm is triggered. Response time is in ten minutes."

"What response?" Tommy asked before I could.

"You don't wanna find out." The man replied, almost threateningly.

Tommy furrowed his perfect eyebrows once again and looked at me worriedly. I looked away and watched as the doctor left the room and the previous agent who brought us here entered the and gestured for me to take a seat next to Tommy.

"So what are you running from, Tommy?" he casually popped a peanut in his mouth, going straight to the point. "Should I call you Kevin? Michael? Justin?" The man continued. "Five aliases, that's gotta be a record."

I almost snorted, biting on my top lip to stop myself. By all accounts, me being in such a precarious situation left no room for laughter. But Justin, seriously?

"I had thirteen." I spoke with feigned pride. "One for each country."

Keller raised his eyebrows. "Well, that's definitely a record for someone your age."

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