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She stood in the mirror examining ever inch of her new outfit. She was wanting to impress people tonight and the outfit was just the start. She had spent 2 hours after that straightening her hair, making sure it was straightened to perfection. Another hour later and she was looking over her makeup making sure it was also too perfection. She allowed herself a small smile of satisfaction; if she could say so herself she looked good. Everyone seemed to notice too, accept the one guy she wanted to see never showed up. As she slipped out of her outfit into sweat pants and a tank top she reminisced about the night, remembering "he" never showed making her sad again. She removed her makeup and looked down at the makeup remover wipe and back in the mirror. Her happy smile was gone and so was her beauty, in her eyes, she was back to hiding in the shadows. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail making her even duller. Her smile had gone with her beauty but really her beauty and smile are still there, just buried like the make up did to her natural beauty.

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