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the same unknown number.
it didn't seem like an unknown number any more.

i opened the text and it was just as confusing as the first.

" Tara Macri
Prettiest ______
2015 "

it wasn't even morning ( 6:30 is not morning for me!) and i already had a migraine. i could see how awesome this day was going to be.

"well, fuck it" i thought.

this had to be a prank. i kept the phone back on the bedside table and got out of the bed. i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep.
sleep was precious to me as it usually came with a lot of difficulty and very late. it left as quickly as it had come.

i decided that there was nothing to do except get ready for school an hour early. that left me with a lot of time to enjoy breakfast, which was just a cup of black coffee with no sugar.

while sipping my coffee and observing the chaos which accompanied each morning in my household, a thought struck me suddenly. Blair, my girlfriend, hadn't texted me. it wasn't something huge but it was definitely weird. she always texted me in the morning to tell me what time i could come to pick her up.
"maybe she's already left", I thought, not believing myself.

but it wasn't a big deal and knowing how the text messages and the call had messed up my mind i ignored the pit i felt in my stomach.

i left home and drove my Camaro to Blair's house. i waited outside her home for 15 minutes and then called her 5 times. she didn't come out of her house and she didn't pick up her phone.

i could feel myself become breathless. my hands started shaking. but i blamed it on my anxiety issues.

i walked towards the door of Blair's house and rang the doorbell. her father opened the door.

"Luke! what're you doing here?" he said. surprise was evident in both his voice and expression.

"good morning Mr Davis. isn't Blair at home? i pick her up everyday..", i trailed off into silence.

"Blair's not at home, son. i thought she'd left with you." Mr Davis replied," i'm sure she's at school. you know her. goes off without telling anyone"

"yes she does" i said trying to match his upbeat tone. he didn't seem to be worried.

"don't worry. she must've forgotten to tell you. she's probably at school wondering why you haven't reached yet"

"she probably is. thank you." i said and left. i heard the door shut behind me.

even though i tried to be unconcerned, my legs shook and my heart raced.

throughout the drive to school i kept hoping that Blair would be there, smiling at me and then chastising me for not reaching school at the same time as her.

i hoped and i hoped. maybe those texts had messed up my mind.

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