it was him

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hey guys! im back  i edited the first part a little finally! that took long enough and while your waiting for chapter 4 i suggest reading fairy's saw game  so i hope you enjoy


percy's pov

"damn fairies making me use a part of my power " I said near a tree while putting an unconscious natsu at the floor.

'just in case' then i blindfolded dragneel,tied his hands and gagged him.

'i need a ride i am too far from master's palace' I thought while looking around then i saw a jeep coming by.

i jumped at the jeepney and saw a suprised old couple and slit both of their throats with a dagger.

then I took both of their bodies and disposed them near a bush after then i put dragneel at the back seat and rode to my master's palace.

timeskip at the palace

finally that took 7 hours and here i am then i see zenkutsu. A partner of mine.

"you know master won't be pleased right" zenkutsu said as he went to the back of the trunk and took dragneel out.

"i know i'll find some way to get him to our side" i said while trying to find a way to do so.

"how can i trust you, you have failed every mission master has given you" zenkutsu said in anger and doubt.

" i will this time" i said angrily.

"there is one way" a mysterious voice said while coming out of the shadows.

"m-master zeref " me and zenkutsu said in surprise. I mean seeing the most powerful dark mage is, right here, in front of our eyes.

"You can use this" master zeref said while he pulled out a brown leather book that has three capital letters written on it.

it said.


at fairy tail and no one' s pov...

everyone in fairy tail woke up still in the battlefield but also in pain. A  familiar raven rose from the burnt ground and rubbed his head in pain.

"how are we still-"gray said before he was cut off by polryousca. (spelling?)

"it was because of my magic boy"polryusca said as she proceeded to heal the other's who were injured in the battlefield.

"where's erza?"lucy said looking aroun for titania. Until she saw Erza sitting against a tree crying with her knees covering her face.

"hey erza what's wrong" lucy said as she sat behind next to erza.

"it's because weak"erza said almost breaking to tears.

"weak? erza herself is calling herself weak! erza remember you are the queen of fairies you are titania" lucy said shocked.

"yeah im titania who coudn't save natsu" erza shouted.

"erza i know how you feel but being weak is just a beggining of being strong.  you are strong erza i mean look at me i don't have key's but im still here right next to you"lucy said sad that her keys are gone.

"thank's lucy oh and here i found these at the field" erza as she gave lucy her keys which sparkled as the moonlight

"but how?" lucy said as she took the keys from erza shocked it still there.

"apparently when natsu went back to normal he released your key's"erza explained to lucy with a small smile.

"thanks anyway erza" lucy said happily and both stood and walked to their guildmates.

timeskip at the guild

'master how are we gonna find natsu?"erza asked mackrov who in return gave her a thoughtful look.

"wait im still thinking" mackrov said looking at the map.

until a crash was heard and gasps echoed through the room.

"what's going on here!"erza said before she noticed a man in a cloak was at the door ,wet, because of the rain .

"finally back....home' the cloaked man said before falling to the floor unconscious.

'wait his scent it couldn't be' happy thought as he ran to the cloaked man.

"wait happy" gray said warily not trusting the man at all.

but it was too late, when happy took the hooded man's hood off it revealed a spikey pink hair and a sleeping, peaceful face.

"n-natsu?" the whole guild said.
lucy was about to go to natsu but erza beat her to it.

"natsu i'm so happy to see you'erza said happy that tears of joy was falling to her skin.

"erza he's unconscious and full of bruises we gotta bring him to the infirmary "wendy said as she examined natsu.

"okay"erza said worried,as gajeel took an unconscious natsu and brought him to the infirmary.

"don't you think it's a bit suspicous natsu just suddenly came here erza?" gray said.

"no, hopefully he's still not being controlled by that creep percy" erza said.

timeskip natsu is awake

"natsu!"happy said hugging natsu. Tears of joy weld up from his eyes to his blue fur.

"hey happy"natsu said happily as he caressed to blue furball.

"natsu first thing's first ,how did you escape them" gray said curiously,eyes wary at natsu.

"i don't remember but i barely escaped it" natsu said while trying to hold the crying exceed who, wouldn't let him go.

"natsu" erza said happily, sitting next to natsu. With a smile of coarse

"hey erza" natsu said giving her his ever so famous, signature grin.

"okay that's enough visiting natsu let's give him some rest" makrov said to everyone in the room.

after a while

everyone has left and natsu was sleeping at the infirmary bed. Then a black lacrima appeared in the room floating towards natsu.

"Then natsu's eyes suddenly opened and quickly getting the black lacrima

"nii-san how is the mission going" zeref said through the lacrima his eyes in worry.

"its going great onii-chan these people has no idea what's coming" natsu said as he gave zeref an evil the thought of the plan that was given to him.

"good now let step two commence" zeref said before the transmission was done and the lacrima dissapeared.

"oh don't worry onii-chan these fairies have no idea what's coming"natsu said before turning to his iris turned red and his pupils turned to slits and started to laugh maniaclly.


somewhere far from the fairy tail guild an apartment shows up with two people sleeping.

gray suddenly jerks up from his bed sweat all over him, his breath shallow.

"is gray sama okay?" juvia asked with her sleepy eyes as she looked at him in worry

"yeah im okay juvia go back to sleep" gray said with a reassuring smile.

"just a nightmare "gray thought as he remembered his dream .

"E.N.D one day i will destroy you even if it kills me"


hey guy's sorry for not updating lately but hey here's chapter

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