First Date

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Allard's P.O.V 

"Well don't just stand there like an idiot, answer it!" Becca said, looking over my shoulder to see the number on screen. 

"I..I..can't..Jaime, please?" I asked while holding the phone up to her, getting nervous at the possibility that it was Logan. 

"No way, I'm not-" She began to say, but I cut her off by pressing the talk button. "Pizza Hut, how can I help you?" She answered while mouthing 'I hate you for this' at me. I patted her on the back and leaned in close to hear the other person on the other line. 

"Oh crap, sorry. He must have given me the wrong number." I heard him mutter. 

"NO! This is the right number..Logan-" She began to scream, but I snatched the phone away from her before she embarrassed me even more. 

"Hi Logan...Uh, I mean Hey Logan, what's up?" I answered the phone, trying to make myself sound as cool as possible. 

"Hi Allard. Listen, I know that this may seem like I'm calling a little too soon, but I couldn't get your adorable accent out of my head and I just had to call you. I know, kind of lame." He said. I mouth 'Oh my god' to the rest of the group while signaling them to go into the elevator to at least give me a little bit of privacy. 

"Nuh uh..You're straight up trippin' if you think we are-" Michelle began to say, but I had pushed them into the elevator and pressed the button to send them to the 5th floor before she got to finish. 

"How rude!" Becca yelled out as the elevator began to move. 

"Hello? Are you still there?" I heard Logan ask. 

"Oh, sorry about that. Just had to get rid of a few pests..anyways, you were saying?" I asked while walking over to the lobby and sitting on the nearest sofa. 

"Yeah, um, so I know it's your first day to L.A and all.. and you probably want to go sight seeing with your friends, but I was wondering if you maybe-" He asked with a bit of hesitation in his voice. 

"Yes!" I said while practically jumping off the sofa. 

"Yes..wait, you don't even know what I was going to ask you. What If I had asked if I could come kidnap you and beat you up or something?" He asked. 

"Uh..well the answer would still have been yes."I said, trying to crack a joke, hoping he would find it funny and not the least bit creepy. 

"Very cute. Ok, so you wouldn't mind leaving your friends for a few hours to spend the day with me then? I mean, what better way to see L.A then to see it with someone who actually lives here, right?" He asked, laughing a bit. 

"Are you kidding me, it would be a dream come true." I said, trying really hard to keep myself from squealing. 

"You don't think your friends would mind, do you?" He asked. 

"Oh, I'm sure they would understand." I said, not really caring or thinking about them. Kind of selfish, I know, but was I really going to deny Logan? And plus, I'm sure my friends would get over it soon enough. 

"Ok, good. So, I'm still around the area. Would you like me to pick you up in about an hour or so?" He asked, his voice melting my heart each time. 

"Uh sure sounds good to me." I answered back, now at a bright tomato shade of red. We stayed on the phone for a few more minutes so I could give him the address to the hotel and the room number. 

"Ok, I'll see you soon then." I said before hanging up. 

I stayed motionless for about 2 minutes, in a complete daze while I replayed the whole phone call in my head. I was in no hurry to move, but decided it would be best to do so before my friends came looking for me. I walked back over to the elevator, still replaying the phone call in my head while holding the phone close to my chest. I got in and pressed the button to go to the 3rd floor, then made my way over to our hotel room door. 

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