The Zoo

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Still in Allard's P.O.V

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my friends knocking frantically on the bedroom door. I wanted to just ignore them but the way they were knocking made it seem like it was urgent. I made my way over to the door, still half asleep and open it.  

"This better be important." I yawn, looking at my friends who seemed way too excited too early in the morning.  

"Oh but it is. So much time and so little to do. Wait a minute..strike that..reverse it." Michelle said, looking off into space to see if that even made sense. 

"Alright, what Willy Wonka said. We are in freaking L.A, lets get out and experience what it's all about." Jaime said as she pulled me by the hand. 

"Uh love the idea and all, but can I maybe go and change first?" I asked pulling back and pointing down to my pajamas.  

"Fine. We always have to do things your way, don't we? Hurry it up or else we leave you behind." Becca warned me.  

I quickly got dressed, brushed my teeth and did my hair, then walked back out to meet up with everyone in the living room area.  

"I don't see much of a difference. You still look the same to me." Jeremy said as he stared me down.  

"Nuh uh, see my teeth are clean and my hair is done, see?" I pointed out, smiling wide enough to show off my clean teeth.  

"That's what your hair looks like when done? Here, let me just-" Becca reached over and was about to mess with my hair, but I stopped her before she even had a chance to touch it. 

"Don't you dare touch it. It looks fine, thank you." I glared over at her. 

"Ok, geez, was just trying to help." She said, taking a step back while holding her hands in mid-air. 

"So where to, kiddies?" MIchelle asked, holding the car keys up and swinging them back and forth on her finger. 

"I'll take those, thank you. I was thinking of maybe the beach?" Jaime asked the group while snatching the keys from Michelle.  

"Too early for the beach, maybe later. How about we go get a tattoo?" I asked, looking around the room to see if anyone else would go along with the idea. 

"Oh hell no, I'm not getting a tattoo." Jeremy shouted back, looking at me as if I had lost my mind. 

"Ok, that's definitely going to be on the things to do later, but I was actually thinking of the zoo or an amusement park." Jaime began to say, but I zoned her out when I heard my ringtone go off, indicating that I had a new text message. I quickly pulled my phone out of my back pocket and looked at the message. 

I smiled to myself when I read who it was from and then continued to read 'Morning sunshine, what are your plans for the day? Maybe we can meet up?'  

"Aww is it your mommy?" Becca asked in a baby like voice. 

"Damn it, no! It's Logan." I couldn't help but squeal his name. Both Michelle and Becca ran up to me, attempting to read the message, but I pulled the phone away before they could actually see it. 

"Well, what did lover boy want?" Jeremy asked, laughing at the sorry attempt Becca was making to jump up and grab the phone that I was now holding up in the air.  

"He just said hi and wanted to see what was up." I said, trying not to make such a big deal about it. At that very second, the 3 of them teamed up and somehow were able to snatch my phone away from me.  

"Nope, wrong..and I quote:" Jeremy cleared his throat before he continued "Good morning sunshine, what are your plans for the day? Maybe we can meet up?" 

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