Letter 2

39 0 0

Hey Brother,

It is only me again. Did you miss me? I bet you didn't, I mean you are probably very busy right now. Lots of things have been happening recently but i cannot share it with you. But i can tell you that i am safe. You know me. I always look out for myself and others. This gives me freedom you know. Especially after what happened, although you know nothing about it. I would share it with you but it would not be something that you want to here.

So much has happened here and i wish that you could say the same but i am not sure you can. The training is really paying off though and there is so much to see. But through all the good things there are really some bad out here. I could never wish this life on you. Never follow in my foot steps. You were better than that, i KNOW you are. Look after Mum for me. You are all she has, considering everything. 

I have made a new friend who is a lot like you with the caring attitude and the hatred towards violence. I guess that is why she chose to be a combat medical technician. Everyone knows i trust her. At least i know someone will save my life. I wish i could stop thinking about what has happened and i could stop being lonely. Please, Promise me that you will never forget about me. Heavens knows that i will never forget you. That would be impossible.

I miss you so much. I'm sure you miss me to. Soon though...

Soon i will be back.


Your friend.

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