The next day

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A/N Here is the final, including the reasons behind what happened. Please vote and comment what you though of it.

That night after sending the letter Tyler went to bed with a heavy heart mourning the loss of the family that had cared and looked after each other for the whole of Tyler's life. The reason that Tyler had joined the army was due to the feeling of inadequacy for not being able to save the family. Tyler thought that if it was possible to save another persons life then redemption could be found in the after life, after all it was due to Tyler that they had died, At least that was the thought held within.

Waking up the next morning everything seemed fine. Then the bomb went off near where Tyler was on patrol. Tyler was killed instantly. Finally Tyler had joined with the whole family. The little brother who had been talked of so fondly had been dead for 9 years. He died when he was 7 and Tyler was 10 of cancer in the bone. Tyler felt mostly to blame because it was impossible to save him due to no one being a match. 

The Mum died in a car accident on the way to pick up Tyler at the age of 14. She died after weeks in intensive care after crashing into a lamp post drunk due to blaming here self for the death of her son. This left Tyler alone because the dad had left when Tyler's brother had been born.

To the grave Tyler the blame of what had happened on the shoulders of Tyler's young self and carried it resulting in the choice to join the army in order to try save someone.

Tyler did. When the bomb went of Tyler landed on the friend that was spoken of so often in the letters to the dead brother and saved her life. She went on to talk about the bravery of Tyler and all that had been done to save her life both physically and mentally. Tyler gave her a reason to live.

The end.......

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