Lust at first sight??

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hey guys, its me again . glad you continued reading the story. It's a little short .

Kris is really confusing himself and deals with temptation.

enjoy !


"Kris..Katlyn" god how that boy said my name, Wait.. Oh No !!!! why would i say that !

"Ashton" Katlyn said a little smugged.

i just stood there motionless, i didn't know what to say. i felt all hot but in the sense that i really shouldn't. i couldn't help but look at him , but secretly eye rape him.

"what are you guys doing here..still" his voice wasn't too deep but deep enough for me to stare blankly at him

i was afraid that if i spoke , my mind would do the talking. and he did not want to know what i was thinking, i was still trying to figure out why i was thinking these thoughts myself.

he coughs at the awkward silence and i see his cheeks get a light pink ...what ! why is he blushing??

" there something on my face?" he asks, and it looks like he's talking to me.

but there was definely NONTHING on that beautiful face of his....i mean manly, wait that still sounds pretty bad..sigh

I look to the left of me to see that...KATLYN!!!! was half way down the hallway looking back at me with a knowing smile as she leaves me with him UGH! im going to kill that girl one day.

"uhhh no, no you don't ..s-sorry for staring" i stuttered mentally cursing myself, i tried to find something else to focus on... anything really

"its okay" he smiled and i found myself looking at him again but this time i made sure to glance away every now & then.

why did i feel this way? i wasn't least i don't think i am . but it was something about this blue-eyed blonde boy that kept me feeling like i was about to pass out. we've gone to school was we were in diapers.

never really close but I've always been there to every football game and basketball game. sitting and staying in the shadows unknown or noticed. i didn't know what to do. just something always drawn me to him, wanting to know more about him etc.

"so kris, you wanna hangout sometimes?" he chuckles rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"my friend Alice says im always busy and never have fun for any fun so she tries scheduling in "fun" things and one of them has to be bowling , if you'd like to come" i look at intently,

a small smile forms as he continues "i don't really like going, especially since i suck at it" after he finished, he turn to the posters, the art class had out on display.

but i still couldn't get over the fact that he was really asking me to hangout ! this must be a dream. "yeah sure, sounds cool to me" i replied back.

i tried hiding some of the excitement in my voice and replaced it with coolness i didn't have.

"okay bro, umm what are you doing now? " fighting out a blush i didn't want to occur

" got time to go get a bite to eat?" he says while stretching,

those muscles on that boy.. "yeah i got time" god protect my mind from these dirty thoughts.

we started walking down the hall towards the exit of the school when he came to a halt.

" crap ! " he mumbled to himself face palming his self.

" what is it ?" i turned facing him.

i hope he wasn't ending what could possibly be the best day I've ever have.

"i just came from practicing on the field and i have to stop back by the locker room and grab a few things plus im sweaty" he stated,

"oh" was all i could think of saying. way too be cool.

"wanna come with me? it won't take too long" he smiled waiting for my reply.

and all i could think was YES of course i wanted to come, come..all over- i was brought out of my thoughts by him staring at me

" okay, no prob" i said quietly. Gees my mind's gunna be the death of me. he smiled again and heads towards the locker room so i follow closely un sure of myself.

~~~~~~ Katlyn POV~~~~~

i walked down the hallway after leaving kris with the blonde kid. i really should keep up with his name...ill make a mental note to try and remember.

It felt weird to leave Kris but I know we'll talk later .

i walked out the school doors and headed towards the football field. i honestly don't know what it is about that blonde kid that has kris sooo weird.. but its very obvious that he likes kris and that just won't do.

"Hey Kay " i looked up and it was Nathan, a team mate of Kris's from the swim team.

" Hey there Nat ! " i gave him one of my award winning smiles.

he looked adorable and all but he wasn't really my type..though i really didn't have a type but i still knew what i preferred.

"you look nice im not gunna beat around the bush, i like you, what do you say me & you go out this Saturday for pizza or something? " he said blushing.

like i said before , adorable, but still not what i want BUT..who am i not to give the guy a chance.

"Of course !!! i thought you'd never ask..." i laughed. i hooked my arm with his and pulled him towards the field with me.

i know for a fact i wont fall for him..cause I've already gave my heart to someone else...someone who i will not mention just yet.

once we got to the field, we went to where i knew everyone whose anyone would be.

Madison and Michael were standing under the trees on the far side of the school by the practice football field talking to some of the players from the soccer and football team along with Nat's friend Donnie and Darin, the twins.

"hey guys" i say as we stop.

everyone looked at me and smiled or waved.nathen did his guy hand shake thing with the twins and they begun to talk about whatever.

i was lost in my thoughts when i realized that michael was staring at me weirdly.


i mouthed, he said nothing and just continued to stare at me.

i can honestly say if anyone knew me inside and out besides kris it was michael, of course we haven't known each other that long but i don't know, i guess he's just good at reading people. i would say he has some suspicion as far as my feelings for a certain someone and i bet he was looking at me like he was because i still held onto Nat's arm.

and the bad part was we all are suppose to hangout later on tonight....this is definitely going to be a long day

thanks again for reading guys. the spacing is weird and this chapter was short but im more on getting it finished and going back and correcting/adding more .. I'll update again tomorrow :) see ya

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