What was I Thinking ?

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sorry for the late update but its here and its ready to be read. I had a lot going but blah blah blah excuses right ?



He walked up to me, not breaking eye contact. Once he was directly in front of me, he used one hand to reached for the end of my shirt that was a white V-neck.

he glimpsed down to see what he was doing but brought his eyes right back up to mine before i could even blink. i saw a cocky glint in his eyes as he started to raise my shirt up to my chest.

"umm..ashton??" i asked but only above a whisper and i doubted if he even heard me when he didn’t respond right away. it looked as though he was lost in concentration.

But why, was my question.

after he raised my shirt up to my neck he let one hand guide its way down my chest i stiffened at the unfamiliar touch but soon felt as though i was melting into his hand. it sent Goosebumps on my skin and his hands were so warm and inviting.

"Kris...-" he brought me out of my thoughts, "can i ask you a question ? " he asked with his eyes on my body. i felt strangely uncomfortable under his gaze it was really turning me on.

Though in the back of my mind i kept thinking : what is he doing?, why is he touching ? was he gay ? why am i still standing here ? i thought he had a girlfriend?

The boy i found myself being attracted to since freshman year has his hot, soft hands all over me. well not really but i wouldn’t dare stop him if he did. " uh yea ask anyway" i tried averting my eyes from him.

He stopped touching my bare chest and turned to me looking all of a sudden serious. once i looked back at him, his expression was blank.

"Kris are you gay?? " he asked with his jaw clenched as though it made him uneasy asking. well to me i was thinking What The Crap !!!!,

i don't know if i should answer that or not ! " Um no" i said, mentally kicking myself, why did i sound so unsure of myself. Ashton's eyes stare was as though he was debating weather to argue or not.

" I'll promise something to you..If you tell me the truth" he asserted taking another step closer though, i don't think that was possible.

i took a step back once a again feeling uncomfortable with him being so close to me. " Im Bi..thats the truth" i avowed, with my eyes closed. i was glad my voice didn't crack.

I mean i was right , i wasn't gay. but the way i was feeling towards him after all these years i didn't know. i still liked girls ..i think so i really wasn't lying about being Bi i guess.

He stepped closer than before and i couldn't back away because i was already against the wall. i felt his breath on my lips and i felt his chest rise and fall ..That’s! how close he was . so i closed my eyes to try and hide the nerves that were trying to surface.

he leaned in and kissed me slowly, lingering just a little before pulling away all together. if it would’ve lasted any longer i would’ve moan into his mouth at the taste of his lips and that would’ve been really embarrassing too ! but good thing he didn’t. he backed away leaning against the lockers with his eyes still on me. i didn’t know what to say... Thanks?? nooo!!! who am i kidding that would sound so stupid, and i sure he would laugh right in my face.

all i could do was stare back at him until one of us broke eye contact. i could already feel another blush making its way on my face with the rising tension that was in the air now. but luckily he was the first to speak, "your not a bad kisser i must say" he said leaning up from the lockers turning around to finish putting his stuff out of his locker into his bag.

"thanks..um neither are you " i replied with a small voice. though on the inside i was jumping like a three year old who just had their first red bull !!! well you wouldn’t give a 3 yr old one ..would you ??

"i know" he said finally looking at me again. can anyone say Big Ego????

he had everything im guessing he needed in his bag and now had it on his shoulder ready to go. "shouldn’t we be heading out now??" ashton voiced. "oh..right yeah af-after you" i said meekly why do i feel like kissing him again.

i heart was racing fast with these thought on my mind, i felt like having him touch me again but this time never stopping. WAIT NO !!! BAD BAD BAD !!! god ! im going to get myself into some trouble if i keep this up.

he started heading away from the lockers, making his way to the door when..."ASHTON !" oh no what am i doing . he turned around and faced me" Yeah?" without a second thought i walked up to him and pushed him hard against the door. i wasn't exactly strong as him but i was almost as equal.

Before he could say anything i forced my lips against his making him instantly moan to my mouth and i felt a tingle go down my spin down to ....you know ;) though i wasn't a really competive person often i felt myself battling him for dominance over the kiss. he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him roughly and i mine around his neck pulling at the nap of hair . finally i gave in to him and let him control the kiss (for now)

his tongue came out and licked my bottom lip and i allowed him entrance and as soon as both our tongues came into contact with each other we both moaned loudly . i could’ve swore you could hear it echo through the room. but i knew what this meant and there was no way i was going to be the bitch in this. so without warning i removed my mouth from his and move to his neck in search of his sweet spot. and once i found it i heard him growl low in his throat and tighten his grip on me.

and before i knew it we both were shirtless and shamelessly i was enjoying exploring his body with my very skillful tongue. What? im talented ;)

and we were both moaning messes but of course knowing him i was more than anything. he was determined to show whose boss but I. Don’t. Think . So !!!! there was know way i was gunna be bottom any time soon in my life time .

"Kris-st..oppp !!" moaned out huskily trying to tear his self away from me. but i wasn't gunna let that happen so after leaving a nice little marking on him i moved down to his chest and let rough kisses while making my way to his left nipple and sucking gently before nibbling . i was so caught up in my work i didn’t realize he was un-doing my shorts .

and before i knew it he entered ...

So i was a little behind on updating more of the story so i decided to give you a treat ;)

and i don’t know if u guys like this story so im gunna need some kind of feedback before anything else happens . and i would do it fast so you can find out what happens next hahaha

im so bad i know :)


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