Chapter 1: Falling

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Gabriel's p.o.v

Pain. Immense pain was all I felt as I fell, I heard stories of when angels fell, of how much pain would be brought upon to them, I never thought it would hurt so much, it felt as if someone was raking a hot iron over every inch of my skin. Was this how Lucifer felt when he fell? Did he experience as much pain as I was burdened with as of right now? I closed my eyes trying desperately to block out the pain, but to no avail the pain was still there, increasing ever so more as I grew closer to the Earth. Suddenly I felt a shocking am out of coolness surrounding me, the hot sensation fading away as what I presumed was snow surround me, as I layed there I couldn't help but think, what's going to happen now? Will I be here until someone finds me or until the wildlife some to chow on my wounded body? I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings, trees all around with the tops covered in snow, undergrowth toppled with snow. The snow was no falling anymore, I breathed in deeply, letting the cool air fill my lungs then slowly breathed out, my breath coming out in a small puff of visible air. I turned my head to the side, seeing if I could see anything or anyone, if I was lucky someone was out in this weather, I could make out the outlines of what seemed like houses, I faintly smiled, maybe there was hope after all.....well if anyone would come out this far in the woods. I looked the other way and saw cars speeding by, I presumed it was a highway and as I looked more I saw stores and other roads leading to housing developments. I closed my eyes once more, maybe sleep would be good now, as I tried to rest I heard the crunching of footsteps coming near me, slowing down as they neared me then stop. I could hear the persons breathing become rigid, then a quiet, mumble of "holy shit."

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