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Chapter 1.

The day I heard the news I broke down. I crumbled and was torn to pieces. It was like a bit of my heart was ripped out by a cold icy hand. I layed down on the floor and was never ever going to get up.  


It was 24th of April the day it all happened. I always thought Fridays were sposed to be happy days. Well that's what my Pa always told me.

I was at school having the annual debate on 'who's bettter, Johnny Depp or Channing Tatum.'  

"Yes Johnny is a beautiful man but have you seen Channing's abs. " Crystal said as she took a decent bite out of her apple.  

"Johnny is certainly the better man. I mean his acting skills are perff!!" I stated my opinion.

I felt a soft palm being placed on my shoulder. "Oh my god Ruddy. You still going on about the whole Channing Depp. Johnny Tatum debate"

"Oh Jake!!" I said with a surprise looking into his deep hazel eyes.

"It's Johnny DEPP and Channing TATUM! ya dork!" I said with a chuckle.

He smiled at me replacing his hand on my shoulder with his head. His light brown hair tickled my neck.

"So what is the plans for this weekend?" Crystal asked.

"What about a movie?" Alex suggested joining the conversation.

"Nahh... bowling??" Paige butted in.

"I don't mind, Anything would suit me" I said with a smile.

It all went quite when a announcement went over the loud speaker.

"Excuse the interruption but could Ruby Nelson please report to the general office immediately. Ruby Nelson report to the general office immediately."

"Hmm. Wonder what's that for." Jake said sitting up next to me.

"I have no clue. I'll be back." I said to the group worryingly. I stood up and took those steps off the grass patch and made my way to the office. Before I opened the doors I could already see Uncle Red Standing next to Miss Hall.

"What's up?" I said calmly but inside I was sweeting bullets. My family never picks me up at school and if they were so it would be Pa not Uncle Red.

"Well, umm. Rudz I need to take you out of school."

"It's okay Ruby, we understand your situation you may collect your bag and leave. Don't worry about your last classes."

I looked at both of them, especially Uncle Red. "What the heck is going on??" I yelled.

"It's not the easy to explain. I'll tell you when we get there?" Uncle Red Replied.

"Get where??"

"Collect your stuff and I will take you there."

I got escorted to my locker by Uncle Red and Miss Hall passing my friends.

"What's going on Ruddy?"  

"Is everything okay?" 

"Wait arnt you going to be in maths last?" We're the questions I got asked by my friends.

"I don't know guys but I have to go!" I continued walking to my locker.

We arrived to the local hospital. Walking down the hallways. I looked at Uncle Red and he seemed upset, he looked pale.  

I knew that something had happened to Pa but I didn't want to imagine anything happening to him.

We were greeted by a short, chubby Dark Lady.

"So I understand you too must be Reginald and Ruby Nelson?"

I nodded.

"Hi, I'm Beatrix. Could you please follow me." We did as we were told and followed Beatrix down the hall in to a room. She pulled a curtain revealing a bed covered by a lumpy sheet.

" I would like both of you to identify a body for me." She slowly took the sheet off revealing a pale icy brown haired man in a checkered shirt covered in blood.

I stared at it for a while, I could feel the tears rolling down my face.


" that is my broth...." Uncle red stopped and took a deep breath.

"David Nelson?" Beatrix asked

Uncle Red nodded.

I couldn't take it anymore, I ran out of that room and just collapsed. I crumbled and was torn to pieces. It was like a bit of my heart was ripped out by a cold icy hand. I layed down on the floor and was never ever going to get up. I was lying on the floor in front of the doorway and Uncle Red was against the wall with his hand over his mouth with the plainest facial expression I had ever seen.

"Ruby? Are you okay?" I heard Beatrix say behind me.

"Okay? OKAYY????" I yelled. "Oh yeah I'm fine. Thanks for asking!!!!!!!"

"Look I know how it feels. Would you like to know what happnesd?"

I sat up and dug my knees deep in my chest.

"Well..." Beatrix began. She told me how Pa was at home and someone intruded and how Pa tried to fight him and make him leave our house. The man was much stronger then Pa she said and how the man had a gun. Pa got shot in the chest 5 times. She also said how our neighbor Mrs wilkinson found him and called 000.

"Who did this to him" I sobbed.

"They don't know yet?" Beatrix took me in her arms. "They are at your house now finding clues."

I was on the floor for what felt like hours. Uncle Red didn't move once. I finally got him up and told him "we need something to eat." He took my hand and we walked down to the cafe. There was not one word shared. Our eyes were still filled with salty water they call tears. I tryed to take a bite out of the multigrain roll I ordered but I couldnt, my mouth wouldn't open. I looked up to Uncle Red he just sat there.

We went back to Pas room where he layed, dead. They handed us his belongings that were on him the time he was murdered. It was a picture of Pa, Ma and me when we visited movie world 10 years ago when I was only 6. Seeing that photo shocked me.

"Uncle Red, I have no one left!" I looked into his blue glassy eyes.

"Oh Rudz," he grabbed me and pulled me in tight. "You know they both loved you."

"Can we get out of here?" I said starting to walk towards the exit. Uncle Red followed.

We went back to his house and he made the couch up for me. He tucked me in and kissed me on the forehead.

"Goodnight Rudz"

I stared up at the moon filled night threw the open window next to me. It was a full mooned night. That full moon took me back to when me and dad used to Dance under the moon to Dolly Parton and Johnny Cash.

"I love you Pa!" I whisper as I shut my eyes.

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