A Book With No Name

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Oh my, his smile is so amazing... His voice makes me melt... I always want to talk to him....The way he-

"Hanna, HANNA!" my teacher snapped at me awaking me from my day dreams. "Can you please answer the question?". "Could you repeat it for me?" I responded with a guilty smirk..
"Name the capital of Poland." Mrs. Fryfogle sternly repeated.
"Uhhh, well Poland is a very small country so I'm going with... It has no capital."
"Oh Hanna, you couldn't be more wrong." Snickers from the class filled my mind. I never have been able to pay attention in class, even when Blayne wasn't here. Yeah, Blayne is the dreamy, perfect, wonderful- , nope I can't do this again.. I began to copy down my history notes when I heard his voice. Yep, there went my train of thought, crashing right off the rails into a pile of perfection..

Chapter 2: Daisy
As the bell rang crazed students flooded the halls trying to get to there classes. High school sucks so much...
I plopped down in my desk and began to draw little hearts and anime characters. Right as the tardy bell rang she burst through the door, cheeks flushed with red......Daisy..

Daisy is my best friend, and I mean we have been attached at the hip since pre-school. She slammed her binder down on the desk. "Can you belive her?!"
"What did Lexi do now?" I groaned
"She knows I like Andrew! Why would she ask him out?! She's my sister I mean she is supposed to help him ask ME out!" She continued to complain, but once again my mind began to wander..
"Come on Hanna wake up!" I was startled awake by Daisy yelling at me. "The bell is about to ring, and Blayne is in our sixth period." She encouraged me to get up. I shot up almost leaving my bag half running half skipping to get to my next class.
When I got to Mr. Brown's class I saw him, sitting there at our group table smiling at the sight of my frustrated look. As me and Daisy sat to hear yet another of our teacher's brain dead lectures Blayne slid over his notes and smiled.
"I thought you might want these from last week when you missed Tuesday and Wednesday."
"Thanks, I should probably get on these..Ehe" I replied wearily

After school was over I was overly eager to get home binge watch some anime series on Netflix and drink Mnt Dew.. But life decided to screw things up instead.

After getting home I threw myself down on my bed letting my worries die down for a minute until my mom called me into her room.

"We're moving!?! Why?! Everything was just getting better! This is the fourth time in two years! How can you possibly think that it's ok?!?" I yelled at my mom before walking off. Yes, I know, I shouldn't have done that and I should go apologize.. But it's true. Here, I'm happy I finally have some friends.. Everyone does.. What could possibly make it ok for us to be uprooted once again... Did my brothers know? Were they ok?
The next week was one of the worst times of my life.. We were moving, I was telling my friends goodbye.. I was telling the guy I just might have a chance to be happy with that we wouldn't be able to see each other again.. But of course "It would all turn out ok."
The new town, I had lived in once before..I did have a few friends there but I felt outcast, alienated, alone... At my friend Taylor's birthday party I reunited with one of my best friends. Gloria is a free spirit, her taste in music is amazing, and she's an anime freak just like me. The night turned out ok and to my surprise so did everything..

Chapter 3: Depression

After going a few months without Blayne, I got a DM on Facebook from him. Yes...I fangirled so much I almost dropped my laptop..
"Hey, ur Hanna from last year right?"
All I did was stare at the message until answering. We would talk off and on until everyday I would get in just to talk to him.

  "YOU AND CALLIE ARE DATING!?!" I had to clear some things up.
"Yeah what's so bad about that, was I supposed to wait for someone ;)"
"What? Ohh, no, dude, I dont think of you that way."
"Ahhh yet someone else told me otherwise.."
My heart began to race, no, die... Who told him? Is he kidding?

You never had a chance, you're nothing. You aren't good enough for him, for anyone.

Thoughts filled my mind. I couldn't do anything to change it..what was I doing...
Blayne was quickly my best friend..I constantly wished he were more. Anytime he wasn't on I would die inside.. Become depressed again...to add on the next week would kill me.
I sat down my phone to help out in the kitchen and as soon as I walked away, Taylor began to message him.
"Hi, this is Hanna's friend Taylor. You're Blayne right"
"Hey, yeah I'm blayne. Why"
"Just because you're the guy Hanna likes, do you like her too?"
"No. Well, I dont know. Hanna is smart, cute, funny, loyal AF...but she's also like my sister. We can and will never be...ever.."

  I picked my phone up to read this... I cried so hard I thought I would Die...I wanted to...I loved him, but he was not mine to love. Everyday got worse, he stopped talking to me, friends left me alone in the darkness of my depression.. I had no one.

   Chapter 4: "I love you."

I woke up to my phone buzzing off my desk. It was him...Blayne.. He was texting me, he.. Needed Me.... We talked and talked, cried, became closer than ever he told me about his scars..his failed attempts to be forever rid.. "Hanna"
"^-^ Yeah? What is it?" I replied
"I love you."
"I don't  know in what sense or way..but I know I love you and I could never live without your crazy."
My heart stopped.. I didn't respond...He loved me? No, that's not true. I denied it...not willing to once again have my heart broken... To have my dreams and hopes ripped from my grasp..a mere memory...
Everything between me and Blayne began to get awkward...but he was still my best friend.

Yet, my life was still being fucked with..

I got home from school that day , only to witness my dad being arrested. No one would tell me anything. I turned to my friends for emotional support... The only one there for me was Blayne. My love for him grew stronger, and stronger. After my dad had been taken away my mom pulled me aside to tell me what had happened...

Her voice became faint.. My eyes welled up, full of tears.. How could he... Why... He was not my father anymore... Just someone that used to be a part of my life..

I called Blayne for the first time ever.. We stayed up all night talking. Him keeping me from crying. Sometime around 5 a.m. he fell asleep in the middle of a weary sentence....
"Night Hanna, love you.."
"I love you too.." I admitted after he dosed off

    Chapter 5: I'm so screwed

I woke up messages galore.
"What, you love him? You didn't tell me? I'm your best friend DUDE OMG DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I SHIP YOU GUYS?!?!!?!!!!"
Well Daisy exploded..wait how did she..know..
"DUDE, BLAYNE TOLD ME LAST NIGHT,well morning it was like 5."
..He what!?!
"He spammed me all confused and said.. 'she said she loved me, after I did... But I'm with Callie.. But I love her more..' HANNA AWWEH!"

I couldn't believe what I was reading...this now... After everything with my dad...plus I was accepted to the art academy.... I was so happy, dead, dazed, and really confused..

This has been my life for the past year or so..I really wanted to write about it.. I will continue to add on. Please leave comments on how you think I did with my first story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2015 ⏰

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