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South Carolina's POV

Hello y'all, I'm South Carolina. I was the eighth state to join America and I was the first state to join the Confederacy. Yeah..I was quite a rebel back then.. I've calmed down since then, kinda. Anyway, now me and America have one of the best sibling relationships. I'm one of the most patriotic states. I invented sweet tea, you're welcome Southern states. North Carolina is my older sister and I don't like her much.
Back to me, my state is pretty nice. We have lots of young people and Myrtle Beach is pretty cool. My cities are all amazing and you should check them out. I play golf and I have a pick-up truck. My human name is Rebecca Jones but Becky or Beck is what I go by most of the time.
My history is not for you to judge me. Yes, I separated from America first. Yes, I had the most slaves. Yes, I was a rebel. I've changed, a lot, since then so don't judge me on those matters or just ask Cali what'll happen to you. I like golf, and sweet tea, and beaches, and sweet tea. When I was young, I was first colonized by Spain and then France attempted to colonize but failed. Eventually Britain came and claimed me, just like all the other colonies. Anyway, Tennessee used to be my best friend but now she's mad about the Civil War but she's still a dweeb. Don't be dumb, drink sweet tea. Anyway, I have to deal with California being annoying. (No offense to Californians, please don't kill me.)

"And you go mudding, what even is mudding?! You have that stupid accent, you're all practically drunk on sweet tea and you all just farm and do nothing!" California yelled. Here's some information on California: She's bleach blonde with a fake tan. She thinks she's all that. I want to douse her in sweet tea that hasn't cooled yet but that's a waste of good sweet tea.
" can't get drunk on sweet tea and we don't go farm that often anymore.." After a few minutes of arguing, I finally got California out of my house with a 'Bless your heart'. I make my daily sweet tea and break into Tennessee's house like the fantastic friend that I am.

"Tennessee!" I break the window and climb in to see that Alabama had driven up here due to the fact his car was parked outside. I remember forcing him to join the Confederacy.
"Howdy South! What's up?" She says.
"Your ego, also I brought sweet tea. I got California out of my house and I broke your window coming in." I set the sweet tea on the table, "I see you have ruined your home's charm by adding your bright orange T's everywhere." I jump and sit on the table, crossing my legs.
Tennessee's POV
Oh my god not again. What is it with this girl and breaking my dang windows. They ain't cheap.
"What in the world are you doing in my house I was trying to sleep here!" I screamed hoping it wouldn't wake Alabama.
"I came to bring the sweet tea, obviously. I also came to tell you that you are a dweeb."
God that rude state just breaks through my window like she owns the place at 9 pm just to tell me I'm a dweeb. I'll show her. I volunteer to take her down.
"Shut up, what in the name of all things good and holy are you doing here. Not just to tell me I'm a dweeb ya dweeb!"
"Well, I told you I brought sweet tea. Tell Bam Bam to wake up, Fred Flintstone is here to get him."
I looked up at her stupid, sweet tea lovin' self. Ever since the Confederacy I've had some real issues with South. We used to be the best of friends then she started that war. Does she know how many of MY people I sent to help DIED because of her.
" I ain't doing anything to wake up Bama. Let the poor feller sleep for heaven's sake!"
"I was surprised he didn't wake up when I broke that window back there. You really need to upgrade them."
"I will! Also I know about your little crush on Bama. I'll spill the tea if you keep being mean about everything." Gosh she is sooooo annoying can she just leave my house.
"I'm not being mean!" She crossed her arms, "And you know you won't spill this tea, you like it. Also, for your information, I don't like Alabama! He's annoying.."
She looked to the left avoiding eye contact. She was lying.
" LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs
I heard feet running towards my room. The door bursted open. I saw Bama gasping for air with a shotgun in hand.
"What the heck is going on here?!" He lowered the shotgun and looked at South. "South, what are you doing here!?!?!"
"Well, I broke Ten's window and then I climbed in, called her a dweeb, and then we proceeded to go into a childish yelling." She shrugs, pretending to be innocent.
"Eyyyyy stop that. You're NOT some sort of innocent baby!!! You were being quite rude and I wasn't gonna take that. So I pointed out one of your secrets and you got mad!! Don't blame it on me I'm not that childish!" I angrily got out of my bed I had been previously sitting on and got in her face. She smiles innocently.
"I wouldn't call that being rude, just stating the facts." She shrugs and continues to smile innocently, "You also said you were going to set my pants on fire. I wouldn't appreciate that. Can you get out of my face yet?"
"I CALLED YOU A LIAR YOU YOU LITTLE-" I was cut off by Bama who was obviously fed up with all of this.
"Ten, watch your mouth," He obviously knew I was about to say something I shouldn't. "Can you both quit it? I mean seriously you used to be so close. Like America and Britain close. Just please stop this and go to sleep!"
He left the room. I grabbed South's sleeve and dragged her to the couch.
"There!" I said sternly
I left before she had a chance to say anything else to me. Once I reached my room I covered my broken window with a blanket, locked my door, and tried to go back to sleep.
South Carolina's POV
I cross my arms on the couch and eventually stand up. I skip up to Tennessee's door and knock on it.
"Ten?! Do you wanna build a snowman?" I ask in a sing-song voice.
"No, will you just let me sleep?!!" She replied, obviously angry with me, but I continued to sing.
"I haven't seen you in two minutes! Open up the door! It's like you've gone away!" I lean on the door and slide onto the floor.
I heard the sound of a shotgun being loaded. I get slightly nervous but keep singing, "We used to be best buddies and now we're not." I was stopped.
"Oh you know we ain't!!" She replied and I frowned.
"I wish you would tell me why!" I peek under the door, "Do you wanna build a snowman? It doesn't have to be a snowman."
"Heck no!!!" She yells and I sigh.
"Tenny? Remember that nickname? You hated that nickname!" I giggle slightly.
"Shut it!" Tennessee yells at me. I roll my eyes and take out a Bobby pin. I start to pick the lock with the awesome skills I learned over time. I was just hoping that I wasn't greeted with a shotgun barrel in my face.
I finally got the door open and there stood Tennessee, shotgun in hand.
"Wanna have some fun?" I glanced at her.
"Well...depends on what that fun is." I reply, holding my hands behind my back.
"Hold on let me just," she raised the gun "there."
"Ooh, did you install a target in your room?" I ask, pretending to be oblivious to the fact she was aiming a flipping gun at me.
" Yeah actually and you're standing right in front of it."
"Oh, am I? I apologize dearly." I smile and take a step to the side. She lowered the gun.
"Just get out will ya?" She said as she unloaded the gun and put it to the side.
"Do I have to?" I ask, giving a fake pout.
"Yes, we have to get up early tomorrow and go to the darn meeting!"
"Fine..." I say as I leave the room, closing the door behind me. I reached the couch and jumped on it. Finally after what seemed 30 minutes of trying to get comfortable, I finally go to sleep.

And that's what I did before the State meeting. I don't know if I'm looking forward to tomorrow or not. Let's just hope the Northern and Southern states don't go at it again, which I started last time.

Hey. South Carolinas POV is made by Erin (err813 )

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