Leaving sorry

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What was Robbie saying said mr McQueen how much of an fag you are said Ashton just shut up and do your work said mr McQueen yeah alright Dick slapper said Ashton that's it detention tomorrow night said mr McQueen (at brake) hay you where right mr McQueen is an right dick head said Ashton why what did you do said Jason well he made me say my full name and he Hurd roscoe and made me sit right at the front so I said you fag and then he started to go off on one and now I have an detention tomorrow said Ashton oh Freddie is so going to kill you said Robbie

Later that day school had finished

Ashton was walking home by her self

Well looky hear it's a little girl walking home all by her self said ? And you are said Ashton your worst nightmare said ? ( he tried to hold her up to the wall and rape her but she was having non of it she kicked him in the balls and punched him again and again until he was knocked out and bearly breathing and then joe run up to her) I just saw what happened sorry I didn't do anything said joe it's fine I know how to look after my self said Ashton really said joe yeah and who is this do you know who this is said Ashton yeah it's Kyle said joe he is so going to pay said Ashton

Hay I'm back said Ashton hay so I'm going out for the night be good stay in and no parties or anything while I'm gone said Freddie yeah ok see ya said Ashton

Text 😘

Ashton -a
Micky- m

Hay I'm alone now - a

Yeah good I will get my bag and come to you - m

Good packing now - a

Be round in 10 -m

5 minutes later

(She had her bag on her back waiting and Robbie and Jason walked in)

You going somewhere said Jason yeah I'm going away said Ashton why said Jason well family is not my thing ok just just leave it out said Ashton you can't leave Fred has only just got you said Robbie tell him sorry but I just can't be a family said Ashton why why can't you be a family with us all said Robbie because family has never been my thing because I have never had one said Ashton what about your mum said Jason oh yeah she sent me off to boarding school and when ever I got kicked out to all different people said Ashton we are your family stay said Jason sorry said Ashton well not your leaving first because we want you to stay and second Fred would kill us said Robbie (knock at the door) is Ashton there said Micky who are you said Jason Micky where is she I know she is hear said Micky yeah I'm hear come on let's go said Ashton no you can't leave said Jason yeah just watch me said Ashton (as she left and punched Robbie and Jason where the sun don't shine when she got towards the dogs car park Robbie and Jason court up with them) Ashton stop Ashton roscoe stop said Robbie what said Ashton don't go your my niece and I don't ever want to let you go I felt truly happy ever since phoebe died said Robbie I'm sorry said Ashton come on we will miss the train to Essex said Micky wait your not going said Jason yeah sorry but I need to said Ashton no you can't go (shouted) said Robbie what's all this shouting about said Freddie her Fred she is leaving said Jason what no your not said Freddie you can't tell her what to do said Micky I'm her dad of course I can I'm her dad said Freddie what your her dad not what I would of expected said Micky leave and never come back ok said Freddie (scarily looking at him) yeah see ya Ashton said Micky what mick hay Micky don't go said Ashton sorry but this family is a bit messed up said Micky I can't believe you I will never forgive you he was the only person I have ever had and you all have drove him away I hate you all said Ashton this is all your fought Freddie said Robbie no it's not it's yours said Freddie let's not do something we will regret said Jason (then Robbie and Freddie where proper fighting and then Robbie got on top off Freddie and then joe and sandy came out)

Omg in hollyoaks I can't believe that Freddie is dead I was Acherly crying don't worry he is still alive in this story xxxx

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