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Two managements agreed to set up a tour for fifth harmony and 5 seconds of summer.
When the two groups found out
None were too happy to go on tour together.
They hated each other and didn't get along.
They were gonna meet up and know each other better in about 3 weeks
Before the tour.
Days passed by and the day to meet had finally arrived for them. Both groups were really not into going to meet each other.
Dinah's pov
We were waking up to get ready and meet 4 seconds or whatever their name was. We had to spend the whole damn day together which sucked the most. After we woke up camila didn't want to get ready because she didn't wanna meet up with them she wanted to stay in the hotel and eat and sleep.
I was wearing a red dress with  3in heels. Lauren was wearing a white shirt with black jeans with her combat boots. Ally had shorts and a shirt with Sandals. Mani had a white and black dress with black heels. Mila had a black skater skirt and sleeve shirt with her boots. We were ready to meet them.
Calum's pov
We woke up to get dressed to go and meet fifth harmony.
We got dressed and I was wearing a black shirt with black jeans and my black and white vans Ashton had on black jeans with  a tank top and converse Mikey had on a black tank top and jeans with his black converse
And luke has on a nirvana shirt with black knees cut jeans and black vans
We were ready and out to the restaurant.
Normal pov
As fifth harmony was entering luke had started to glance at camila and bite his lip. When they got to the table and sat down it was michael calum Ashton luke on one side and lauren Dinah Normani ally on the other and camila in a chair at the edge next to ally and luke.
Often she would look his direction
And look at him with passion in her eyes. Ally noticed luke glance at mila and mila at luke and had a funny feeling about both of them she just couldn't help but smirk a little.
After they ate and paid they went to a interview with their management
There they got interviewed about different things.
Ally's pov
We say down and were greeted by the interviewers
One said "5h and 5sos why did you all of a sudden decide to go on tour together."
"It isn't all of a sudden we actually had planned it but barely decided to announce it because we wanted to make sure" I said.
After 20 questions later camila got asked a question
"Camila is it true you and luke are dating or is it just a rumor?"
"Um it's a rumor spreading around cause this is actually the first time I had officially met him" mila told them. But something caught my eye camila had blushed when asked that question
And I couldn't help but notice luke had a smirk during the whole time.
Camila's pov
I can't believe they just asked me if I was dating luke OMG this is embarrassing
I had blushed a little because when I saw luke this morning
I instantly fell over heels in a snap
I mean who wouldn't
That 100 million smile those dimples ,blue eyes , and that lip piercing
He was my definition of perfect guy
I would glance at him time to time and I caught him staring which made me blush. I guess ally noticed this
"Do you like luke mila" ally asked
"Why would you ask that ally"
"Because I see you glancing at him like every minute"
"Well idk I think I do"

Hi guys um I just wanna let u know that this is my first story I had written.
Hope u like it pls dnt hate

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