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As i walk towards the group of people at the front of the class, I take a seat. I turn to grab my pencils and see Kirsty, slut #2, slut #3 all giggling and laughing and looking my way.

What are they looking at? The Hulk inside of me right now just wants to punch her straight in the nose, just to see her cry. But Hulk doesnt come out, ever or im pretty sure someone would die.

Anyway, i quickly focus on getting my pencils and pens out and pretend i didnt see them.

Kirsty walks past my desk and 'accidentaly' bumps my bag so it falls off. My books and pens and pencils go scattering across the floor. 'Oops, sorry' Kirsty mutters with an evil grin slowly spreading across her face. Slut #2 and #3 cackle and follow Kirsty to the back of the room and take their seats.

This is not going to be a good day.

After finally getting through first and second period, the lunch bell goes and I jog to the cafeteria, Every year the seats that you get first are the seats you gotta stay in. Its kind of an unwritten rule, so whoever gets there first gets first pick. I run in and look around and see Kirsty already in the best seats, and her whole possy surrounding her at her table. If you look from the other side of the cafeteria it looks kind of like the last supper, and kirsty is jesus?

Nope, not right.

I trot over to the tables on the other side of the room in the far corner by the windows and drop my back to the ground making a big bang as my books hit the concrete. The whole possy including Kirsty turn to look at me, and they all break out into whispers and giggles.

Wow! i wonder who theyre talking about! Subtlty isnt a slut or her posses finest qualities.

I turn back around and i can feel my face going bright red. Stop Jessica! they will see you!

Oh well, who cares. FML.

Sorry guys short chapter! :(

Exams coming up trying to be good and study!


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