'You obviously know the drill'

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We Are Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together - Taylor Swift

'Maybe another time?' I pulled out another dress as I held my phone to my ear, 'It's gonna be a bit weird'.

'Well me and the guys are cool, hanging out with the others should be fine, where's Drew taking you?' Toby replied, I could sense he was cautious on touching the subject.

'To meet some of his old mates...that's going to be new. Anyway I gotta change, he's coming here any minute then we'll take my car and go'.

'Isn't he picking you up?'.

'He wanted to take my car...'.

'Well that's a nice way to use a girlfriend, anyway see you'.

'Bye', I turned off my phone then sighed.

Toby had just given me a reason to agree with my worries.


'You're gonna love them: Miles, Ash, Caleb and Mia'.

I nodded stifly in the passenger seat of my car, 'Why do you smell of perfume?'.

'Oh that? My cousin's staying round since she got an internship and she took over my room. We're here!'.

'Coolio' I looked up at the shabby beach house and half smiled, this looked casual.

As we entered the house I heard male cheers and sighed, maybe meeting up with Toby would've been more enjoyable.

'Drew!' A voice squealed and a second later a flurry of brunette had swung herself onto him. I'm guessing this is Mia.

I turned around as three jock-like guys appeared, started yelling and greeting Drew whilst I stood there with an awkward smile on my face.

Well this brings back memories for me too, of being out of place.

'Hey nice ride!' One of the guys shouted.

'Nice girl' another muttered, staring me up and down as I blatantly glared at him.

Drew smirked, 'Let's get going'.

Sitting in a diner booth with their squad made me realise it all: Drew was far way more than a friend with Mia, Ash and Caleb were in a strong bromance whilst Miles was the flirty player. It didn't even take a blind person to know that these guys only enjoyed the camera attention they were getting for me.

'So then I was just like ew why would I ever date a nerd like you' Mia laughed.

I stared at her, dumbfounded by the one brain cell she had left.

'So how are you two doing?', Caleb asked, referring to mine and Drew's relationship.

I didn't reply, instead I took an ungracious bite of my burger and spent my time chewing it.

'I always thought princesses were more delicate' Ash commented.

'I'm not one to stick to stereotypes' I rolled my eyes.

Drew chuckled, 'She has this thing about being unique'.

'How dumb! I'd rather stay part of the sexy girl stereotype, it's way easier to get guys' Mia giggled.

I shook my head and mumbled, 'I feel so sorry for Toby, experiencing a table like this'.

Mia looked up, 'Who's Toby?'.

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