Chapter 3

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hey guys chapter 3 is here ok so I'm going to warn you its a bit short but I'm gonna update soon to make up for it and again I know I always say this but sorry for the spelling saying I'm a shit speller is a bit of an understatement haha

lots of love


xx xx


Liam fumbled with the keys trying to unlock the door as I waited impatiently  , anxious to see what was behind the door.


After AGES well I say ages but it was more like a few minuets, but It sure felt like longer.

The door swung open revelling one of the most beautiful sights I had ever seen  ........... The house was HUGE , it had posh furniture and those cute little statues that make it feel homely and ties the room together.

Surprisingly for five teenage boys it was quite clean , I was interrupted from my thoughts as someone coughed, I turned around to see them grinning at my shocked expression.

"So what do you think of your new home" Harry asked quite smugly

"I think there is no way you live here and keep it this clean what's your  secret " I asked curious

"Emma" Louis replied all Matter-Of-Factually.


"Our cleaner silly haha come on lets show you your room "Liam said quite amused

We headed up a long staircase and down the hall way, where we pass the main bathroom,  the boys rooms you could tell who's was who's because they were all individually decorated >....

ZAYNS- Had a massive sign saying 'Knock and if I don't answer I'm most likely asleep' accompanied by loads of cool doodles  

NIALLS- Had a Nando's menu painted on with a Irish flag and a leprechaun  standing at the end of a rainbow on a pot of gold  

HARRYS- Had a Cheshire cat painted on but not just any Cheshire cat it was the one from Alice in Wonderland

LOUIS-Had the superman logo painted on it with some carrots , a bin lid , some tea , pickles , salt ........... various other things like that .....strange boy

LIAMS-Had all the toy story characters painted on with  a speech bubble from woody saying 'There's a Snake in my boot

Finally at the end was a blank door witch I presume is my room we stepped inside and at first I was taken back because it was HUGE , I mean imagine your average room then times that by four , However I was confused at the fact that the walls were painted blue Getting confused again I seem to be doing that a lot lately But seriously what are they sidekick

"Did you already know my favorite colour" I asked

"No that was just a coincidence" Niall chuckled

"Oh I love it but its hhhhuuuuggggeeee" I dragged the word out and stretched my arms out as far as they would go trying to emphasis my point

"You think this is big you should see the living room" Louis said rather proud

I just nodded as a response not really knowing what to say ...  It fell to a dead silence until Zayn spoke up.

"You can decorate it any way you want love"

"Even with Ed Sheeran posters?" I quizzed , Hey don't judge I love Ed Sheeran ALOT.

Zayn just chuckled and nodded his head grinning widely highly amused but my question

"Okay flowerpower (A/N hehe my mummy calls me this sometimes and I find it really funny so I thought id add it into this:) ) well its getting late so we will leave you to get settled in and tomorrow we will spend the day getting to know each other" Harry said

did he seriously say flowerpower? I mean I'm 14 not 4 arr well I kinda like it .....

"Oh and we bought you a phone and laptop there over there" He added pointing to the desk

"Thank you but you really didn't need to" I thanked gratefully

"Its our pleasure love well good night" Liam smiled

"Night?" I asked

"Yes its 10:00"Louis said

I glanced at the silver clock on the wall and to my surprise it actually was

"Wow this day went fast..... Harrryyyyyyy tomorrow will you set me up on Twitter" I asked giving my best puppy dog eyes and pout I had always wanted a Twitter but we weren't allowed one in the care home

"Of course" He said laughing at my face

"Thank you ....... for everything and good night"

They all came up to me and gave me a hug and kiss on the forehead and left , I examined my room one more time before changing into some jammys (A/N night clothes  sorry I call them jammys in case you were wondering) and hopped into bed thinking about weather or not I can trust them before falling into a deep slumber.


Ok my leprecorns I hope you all like I promise I will try to make the chapters longer if you have any ideas inbox me and yours could be used oh and the character Emma in this story is dedicated to my best friend Arianna    .. well until next time , follow , comment , and vote .....


Lots of love



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