chapter 2

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Ok guys chapter 2 is here I hope you all enjoy what I have wrote if not just bare with me the plot gets better ;) 

lots of love





"Errrrrrrmm Sara who is this" I asked confused as I gestured to the five grinning boys

"Well you see Chelsea they want to adopt you" Sara stated with a wide smile

"WHAT" I basically screamed utterly speechless

"That's right love and can I just say you have an amazing singing voice" The curly one said his British accent ringing in my ears

"Erm thanks I guess" I said as I looked down blushing , I have never been very good at taking compliments they make me feel kind of awkward . suddenly a thought sprung to mind  

"Sara have they been background cheeked" I questioned

I had personally requested that is someone wanted to  adopt/foster me they would have to have a background cheek, but before Sara could respond to my questions the one with strips said

"Yes love don't worry we have been background cheeked , not that  we need one I mean don't you know who we are" He had a big grin on his face as he popped his red suspenders against his chest at the end of his sentence.

"No I don't" I replied

They all stared at me like I had just walked off mars with there mouths hanging open, I was going to say I'm sorry but should I , but I realized why should I apologies I didn't do anything wrong so instead me being me and all I said

"Close your mouth you could catch flies" Playfully rolling my eyes and gaining a smile from them

"Sorry lass its just were one direction , were a world famous band and its quite rare that people don't know who we are "The blond one spoke I think he might be Irish as well but I'm not sure I'm not the best with accents

"Ohhhh omg why didn't I see it before your one direction omg I'm like so blind" They grinned to themselves but dropped it when I added

"Only joking I still ain't got a clue in wild space who you are" I smirked gaining howls of laughter from them , I mean I didn't know I was that funny hehe :)

"Well were definitely going to get along" Said the striped as he patted my back , I grinned up at him , seeing as I was still sat on my bed

"Well seeing as you don't know us we should probably introduce ourselves I'm Liam" He said pointing to himself with a geeky smile

"This is Louis" This time he pointed to the one in stripes who I now know as Louis

"This is Harry" He pointed to curly

"You can call me haz or hazza if you want" Said cur...... Harry

"This is Niall" He pointed to the Irish one , if I'm honest I quite like Niall I know I'm only 14 but Oushhh look at him I mean yummmmmy !!

"And I'm Zayn your legal guardian" Zayn said beating Liam to it

"Ok Hi y'all probably already know this but I'm Chelsea " I said with a beaming smile

"Well Chelsea pack your stuff and we will go finish the paper work " Said Zayn


We have just met the girl we are about to adopt, I cant wait to take her home its going to be so much fun having her around

"Okay guys that's the last of the papers, shall we go and get Chelsea?" I asked but as soon as I had said that as if magic she showed up at the door

"Perfect timing" Liam grinned widely - I guess he was as excited as me

"Come on lets get to the car" I said eagerly , putting my hand on her back and leading her out to the car

I got to admit I was quiet surprised when she didn't flinch , I mean I have read her file and if I was her and someone touched me I would of done much more than flinch , I would of probably cowered away in a corner and cried I know that sounds pathetic , but the things she has had to put up with ain't pretty , so yeah I was very surprised ...... I guess Sara wasn't kidding when she said this girl is strong

As soon as we stepped outside I showed her to the car , luckily the paparazzi didn't know where we were today when she saw the car (its a Lamborghini) her mouth flung open I'm amazement

"Close your mouth you might catch flies" I smirked , remembering her say that to us in her room earlier

"Hey stop steeling my lines" she gasped and held her hand over her heart in mock horror

In the car we got to know each other a little better I learned that:

. Her favorite colour was blue 

. Her favorite animal is a giraffe

. Her favorite number is 26

and she got to know about us and the band . we finally pulled up at the house and she was staring at it in amazement ..... again haha wait till she sees the inside :p 

"Omg do you guys actually live here" She asked as she  pointed to the house

"No we live in the bin over there" Louis said sniffling a laugh as he gestured to the bin beside the house

"Ohhhhh that makes sense , now I know why you smell so bad" She smirked pinching her nose as we all burst out laughing

"I like you a lot , I think we should be partners in crime"

"What Louis how could you " Harry said pretending to cry  into Nialls chest , as he patted his head pretending to comfort him

"Aww im sorry I love you really hazza" He replied running up to Harry and tackling him in a huge hug

"Aww Larry Stylinson" I said gaining a confused look from Chelsea

I just chuckled "Come on lets get you settled in" I said guiding her to the door


hiya I will be including different p.o.v.s in the next few chapters or so but for now follow , vote , and comment I will update soon


Lots of love



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