How You Guys Meet

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Riker: I was running late for dance rehearsal, and all ( needed was one cup of coffee to get you through the next five hours in the studio. After moving across the country to attend this rigorous dance conservatory, I never thought coffee would be more of a friend than sleep. I stood in line, my eyes glued to the menu wondering if I could get two turbo shots instead of just one. I watch denim material slide in front of me causing me to knit my eyebrows in confusion.

"Excuse me." I mumble causing the person in front of me to turn and look over me, now knitting his eyebrows together in confusion. "Down here."

He glances down at me and his brown eyes meet mine, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there." He says while stepping to the side so I can step forward. He takes his place behind me.

"Sorry." I say after a few moments of silence. "I just need coffee before rehearsal." I don't take my eyes off of the person in front of me silently begging for the barista(s) to move faster.

"Me too." I hear him say causing me to turn my body slightly to look at him.

"You don't look like the dancing type." I say with a smirk at his punk hair cut, and the clothes he was wearing.

"I will have to show you sometime." He says with a wink as I hear the barista asks if she can help me.

Rocky: Grocery shopping was one thing you hated most about being an adult. You were shorter than other girls your age, and of course all the things you needed/wanted were on the top shelf. Like the box of Lucky Charms that was calling your name. You had another two days before you got paid and cereal and a quarter of milk was all you could pay. Los Angeles was a little more expensive than you thought, and lately all you have been eating was cereal.

I look to the left of me and see a guy with his hair pulled back into a bun, looking seriously at the cereal. I nervously bite the bottom of my lip and look back up at the box on the top. I let out a small sigh and look back at the guy and see that he was now watching me.

"Need help?" He asks with a chuckle making his way over to me. I nod looking up at him causing a small smile to peel across his lips. "Family size or regular."

"Oh I'm too broke for family size." I say with an uneasy laugh. "Regular, please."

He effortlessly grabs the box and hands it down to me. "There you go."

"Thank you." I say with a smile, "I'm Rocky by the way."

"Y/N." I say smiling back, "You might have just kept me alive for another two days."

"Cereal?" He asks knitting his eyebrows together, "Let me take you out for some real food."

"I'd like that." I say as we walk towards the registers.

Ross: There was something about the blonde haired guy sitting across from you at the fire. He had a guitar in his lap, next to a brown haired guy to the left. They strummed in sync and his beautiful voice filled the intimate space, instead of the loud music and grinding happening inside of the house party. His brown eyes glance up at me and smiles before finishing the song. I stand up when they play the last chord and make my way over to the coolers and grab a water knowing I needed to flush some of this alcohol out of my system if I wanted to get home.

"Hey." I hear someone say behind me causing me to turn around and see the blonde haired guy standing there sipping on a beer.

"Hi." I say with a small smile.

"I was hoping I could get you a drink, but I see you already have one." He says motioning to the water in my hands.

"Oh, yeah." I say with a giggle, "Sorry about that."

He runs his hands through his hair, "Well, can I ...uh." He looks around us and spots a cup of straws and then looks back at me. "A pink straw?"

"I would love a pink straw." I say with a laugh.

Ryland: Every Thursday my mom brother and I would bowling. The parents wanted us out of the house, and sometimes even our noses out of our homework. So, Thursday nights we ordered horrible nachos from the bar and played two games. My older brother said that if we played two games it would give me a chance to make a comeback and at least win one game. (Which rarely happened.)

"Alright, Y/N you got this!" Y/B/N yells from his seat on the bench. I glance over my shoulder and pick up the small bowling ball and look at the lane in front of me.

I take a few steps forward and close my eyes before swinging my arm back and hear a loud thud and a loud group of laughter. I open my eyes and look to the right of me and see a group of guys watching my bowling ball roll down their lane.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry!" I say looking at the young brunette was watching my ball still slowly roll down his lane. "I shouldn't have closed my eyes-"

"You just got me a strike." He finally says looking over at me, "I should be thanking you."

"Oh..uh." I say looking at their screen that flashes 'You got a strike!' on the screen. "You're welcome, I guess."

"I just won." He says looking over his brothers, "Let me buy you another round of horrible nachos to make it up you."

"Okay." I say following him towards the bar.

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