Chapter 24

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As we sit down, my phone vibrates. It's Maddie. She texted me. I decide that since I have a few minutes I can text her.
😺 is Maddie 🙀 is Mackenzie
😺hey how are the kids
🙀their good
😺 how's work
🙀I lost my job
😺are you serious?
🙀yes. Pls don't tell ur the only one that knows
😺alright girly I won't when will u tell them
🙀probably tonight. I'm looking for a job tmrw
😺remember when u drove me to the airport
😺remember that place called Bounce?
😺there's this new diner that's in the bounce space
😺I saw a sign that says they are looking for workers
🙀 waiters coming got to go bye
😺 😘
"Hi! I'm Arabian. What you like?" He says. We all order.

we're walking into the house, and Rachel falls asleep in Kendall's arms. I walk over, and lift her up. As we open the door, I see Abby. She's lying on her bed, and there is puke everywhere. I lie Rachel down, and pick Abby up. "Kendall, can you stay here and watch the kids with Josh?" I ask. "Sure." She says. I walk outside into the cold air, and drive to the vet with Abby in my arms. As I open the doors, my phone buzzes, but I don't look at it. I walk up to the desk. "Pets name?" The lady asks. "Abby Ziegler Evans" I say. "Alright, what's the emergency?" "Well, um, my sister got this puppy for my son. We've had her for maybe ten months. When we first got her, she was so energetic and chasing us but when we got home from dinner she was just lying on her bed, with tons of puke around her." I explain. "Alright have a seat." She says. I sit down, and stroke Abby's fur. "Abby!" A voice says. I get up, and walk into the examination room. They take X-rays, her heartbeat, her blood, and everything. "Please give us a few minutes, we need to look at everything." The nurse says. I nod, and grab out my phone. I'm about to go on Instagram, but my phone starts ringing. It's Kendall. I pick up.
🌹 is Kendall, 🌷 is Mackenzie
🌹how's Abby
🌷I seriously don't know. They took a lot of tests. Now I'm waiting.
🌹oh, okay. Update me asap
🌷alright. The doctors coming in.
🌹bye good luck
End of call.
"Alright, Mackenzie." The doctor says. "Abby has a tumor." I feel like I'm about to cry. There's a lump in my throat. "There are two options. We can try to find a cure, by giving her shots, or we can peacefully send her to sleep. I recommend the second one, but it's your choice." Dr. Kelly says. "Um, I think I'm gonna put her to sleep." I say. Now the tears are in my eyes. She gets the shots, and places Abby in my arms again. Abby starts whimpering. She can tell something is wrong. I stroke her. Dr. Kelly gives Abby a shot, and the whimpering stops. I start crying. She's really gone. No more waking up to Abby. How am I gonna tell Jake? After speaking with the Doctor, I leave. I don't text or call anyone. As I drive home, the tears fall out. My phone rings and I pick up.
"Hi mommy! It's Jake. How's Abby?" He says in his cheerful voice.
"Um, we will talk about it when I get home." I say, trying not to cry.
I hang up, and pull into the driveway. From the way the house looks, Jake and Kendall are the only ones up. I open the door, and Jake jumps on me. "Mommy!" "Mommy!" "Mommy!" He shouts. "Where's Abby?" He asks,confused. "Let's sit down and have a talk" I say. We sit on a couch.
"Remember Lion our old cat?" I ask.
"Yes." Jake says.
"Well, just like lion, Abby was very sick. There was a way they could fix her, but it probably wouldn't work." I explain.
Jake looks,confused.
"Abby has something called a tumor. It's like a sickness, but it just gets worse. There's little chance she can get better." I say.
"Would you rather Abby be sick and be in pain, or her be peaceful?" I ask.
"Peaceful!" He replies.
"You see Jake. The doctors had to send Abby to heaven." I say.
"Why mommy why?!" He starts crying on my lap.
"Because it was the right thing to do." I say.
He's crying and wetting my sweater, and I feel bad. I stand up, and carry him up the stairs. I rub his back, trying to calm him down. I put him on the bed and I hand him some pajamas. I tuck him in and walk into my room. I put on sweats and an ALDC top. I get into bed, and Jacob is there. I cry into his shoulder. "Abby's dead and I lost my job" I say in between hiccups. "It's alright, it's alright." He says. I close my eyes and fall asleep.

A/N I am so sorry for not updating! I've been busy with school, dance, gymnastics, and flute. I went to beauty con, and yeah. Sometimes I just go onto wattpad and read stories so if I haven't updated in a while you can just message me with a quick reminder. Sorry for such a short chapter I have an idea for the next one. Not sure when it will be up.
Question for you guys
Would you rather get a new chapter every week OR not get a new chapter for a while and then get a burst? Let me know and I will do that.👍

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