Chapter 34

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It's Christmas Eve, and the dog is at Colleen's, so yay for that. I had gotten her a few candles and was going to give them to her later.
Two hour time skip.
We are sitting in the house waiting for family to come. I decide to take Rachel and Jake upstairs for a minute. "Kids. There is one room I never showed you guys." I say. They look confused so I walk them into the big hover board room. I had gotten many of them when I was younger so I grabbed three out. I stood them on theirs and let them ride around. We were laughing and then the doorbell rang. Kendall and Kalani were at their houses so I was just waiting for my family and Jacob's family. Jacob's family had just gotten here and were talking with Molly and Ryan. The door opened and it was Maddie, mom, and Greg. And Maddie's fiancé, Alex. Jacobs sister, Lily was like a second mom to all the kids, she was being dragged to the play room. I spot Lily's daughter,  Kayla and I walk over to her. Kayla has Down syndrome, but it doesn't really matter.
"Hi Kayla!" I say, bending down.
"Aunt Kenzie!" She shouts.
"Inside voices." I remind her, while scooping her up.
She reaches for my hair, and I push my hair back.
We walk into the kitchen and I put her at the table. I make her a hot chocolate and gave her some whipped cream as well.
She drinks it, and I tell her to go get everyone. She returns with everyone coming in. We sit down and eat. After a while, we decide that the kids will get their gifts from aunts and uncles now. We got Kayla a trip to Disney, and a condo that they will stay in. They get all the kids bikes. Around 7:30 everyone leaves and the kids are in bed.
I had gotten them "Christmas Jammie's." I went outside in my thin sweater and dress and drove to Colleen's. I see her house, and I can tell her family is over. I rush in, and everyone says hello. Before I go and get the dog, Colleen offers me a drink. I say sure and have three glasses of wine. I get the dog, say bye, and leave. I get a big box, put in some things for the dog to pee on,I think it's a wee wee pad. I poke holes in it, and place the dog in. I head upstairs and every one is asleep. Luckily all the presents were in there spots from before I went to Colleen's so I didn't have to go back down. I out on my pajamas, and drift off into sleep.

A/N- is there a way I can make my writing better? Like more descriptive, not like writing wise or coming up with ideas. YET! Also, sorry that some of the monograms/letters are wrong, I didn't make them I got them from polyvore. That's it!

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