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This story was written because one person wanted me to write about "a dog that became a man for a day" and a "painting that would become real". And it so happened that I was waiting for results from my statistics exam (which I've passed) and only having pen and paper I have decided to prepare for my English CAE exam by writing this story.

It took me nearly 2 months to get myself to re-write the first chapter from paper to Word and then a whole summer and half of autumn to finally get my butt to finish it.

Somewhere along the way I have decided to finally capture the "lakehouse" with words. The lake house is a place I would like to live in. To raise my children in (the empty bedrooms). It is my dream a life-long wish if you will, towards which I am willing to strive and it is the perfect place for me to spend the rest of my life at.

The soundtrack for this short story could be "Skyrim Atmospheres by Jeremy Soule" for if there is a song in which I'd like to live, this one would be it.

And later on I realised - though I knew it partially from the beginning - that this story really is about our pursuit of perfection (which eludes us eternally). We give so much to it. Yet we so rarely realise that such thing is impossible to achieve, to gain, to find...

Actually for me there are two ways how to look at perfection.

A. Nothing is perfect.

B. Everything is perfect, because it is the way it is - natural.

Either way, pursuing perfection can only lead to disappointment or false beliefs.

But this doesn't mean that we shouldn't strive for our better selves - in a healthy way, it is mandatory.

Don't be afraid, get yourself confident enough to allow yourself to fail. And who knows, maybe you'll succeed.
Only one way to find out - do your best!

Lukáš Lazar

(silent Tempest)

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