Eternal Elusion

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Matthew woke up in a cold bed. His head hurt like hell. The painful realisation that he just dreamt it all hit him hard. He wanted to get back. Get back to "Her". To the perfect place, to be with the perfect one. But such was not his fate. He had to live on. Repaint the piece perhaps. He knew how she looked like now. Did he? No. No! No! No! He had forgotten her already. He couldn't remember her face. Just her eyes and not in great detail. Why, oh why didn't he pay more attention to her? Why didn't he watch her more closely?

Matt looked from the window and saw the sun rise, but it was a very cloudy morning, icy, lonesome. Something else was off as well, something he didn't notice yet. His head was dizzy. What was he missing out? A sound. No, the silence. It was not adequately quiet for his flat. There was an almost inaudible noise somewhere. He sat up in bed and stared towards the narrow beam of yellow light coming from under the door.

"Honey, have you seen my towel?" she asked from the bathroom...

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