Letter 1

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Dear Alexcis,

I never thought I would reach such a point of boredom that I would write a letter. An actual letter, on actual stationary. What am I from, the 80s? Anyways, I wrote to see how you're doing. I know I see you at school, but sometimes it's easier to put your problems onto paper, you know?

Obviously we're both in high school, and probably going through the same things. Boy trouble, socialization issues, acne, friend drama, periods. Classic Mean Girls style high school problems that we actually have to live through. We can't just Regina George our way through life and get away with whatever we please with a little flutter of our eyelashes and a shake of our butt. We have to get up at five in the morning and accept the fact that we're ugly and get on with our day. We have to haul ass and finish that history assignment.

(By the way, did you finish that project Mr.Dames assigned on the Revolutionary War? I completely forgot...)

Beside all of that, we have to be good kids and try to not get arrested on a daily bases. I mean, what do they think we are? Nuns?

Whatever. I guess all that matters is that we stay friends. Don't they say in all of the books that having friends makes everything easier? I don't know. Sounds legit to me.

You don't have to reply, I just thought I would write this for the heck of it. You know, for funzies.

Thanks for being that friend from the books. The one that sticks by me and makes everything easier.


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