Letter 2

18 1 1

Dear Noel,

I didn't know you even knew what stationary was. I must admit, I'm rather impressed. I also never thought you knew letter format. I guess we learn new things every day, eh?

I get what you're saying about having to haul a-s-s and all of that. High school is definitely not a musical. And no, I didn't finish the report for Mr.Dames. I guess we're both in the boat of failure on that one.

I read through your letter a few times and kept stopping at the part where you mention friend problems. I mean, I hope I'm not the friend problem, but if I'm not, it leaves me wondering who is. Could you elaborate a little? You may have learned to write a letter, but you still suck at giving details. Just saying.

You may stink at giving details but I'm bad at carrying on a conversation. That's your job.


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