Letter 5

9 1 1

Dear Alexcis,

                I wrote my report, but Mr.Dames gave me a D. Big surprise, right? I thought my idea that the whole Revolution could have been avoided if George Washington and the king had just had a dance battle was pretty compelling, but I guess the teacher didn't think so. But he gave me a few points for creativity.

I don't know what's going on, Lex, but I've just felt a bit lost lately. A bit, out of the loop. Everyone's enjoying life, partying, getting boyfriends, and I'm sitting here on my butt doing absolutely nothing. There's gotta be something more to high school, right? Something more than papers, and SATs, and jerks in mini skirts? I don't know. I'm just confused.

Look, I'm really not in the mood to write any more than this, so no mocking me and calling me a hypocrite. No, I didn't write very much. Bite me.



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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2016 ⏰

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