Letter 3

13 1 0

Dear Alexcis,

Yes, you do suck at carrying on a conversation. I mean, what the heck was that last letter. I don't think you got over 150 words. I mean, c'mon. You can do better than that.

You were wondering what I meant about friend problems. I was just generalizing. You know, in all the movies, friends find their way into different cliques and all of that. As far as I know I don't have friend problems. Do you think I do? Cause I don't. At least, I don't think I do. What would you classify as friend problems?

Hey, do you know that new kid at school? The one with the buzz cut and insanely buff arms? What do you think of him? I'm just curious. Honestly.

By the way, when we have to tell Mr.Dames that we don't have our projects, my excuse is that I had 1,200 words on Valley Forge in intricate detail, but my mom mistook it as scrap paper because I accidentally left it on the counter, so she burned it in the living room fire. You are to agree with this statement.

I think you should go with something along the lines of having it written, but your dog barfed on your backpack after eating a plastic bag and everything had to be thrown away. Sounds believable to me.

I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Lexi.


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