(500) days of phan

451 11 5

Heartbreak is one of those things that take over. It feels like someone has reached inside of you and torn it apart, everything is fucked up and it is my fault. You have no clue what I am going on about. You might think that I have just broken up with a girlfriend. But it's not that, I am heartbroken over someone that I shared everything with. I devoted myself to them; I thought they 'loved' me as much as I did them. I put love in quotation marks because it obviously wasn't true. Now that is. I don't know if they ever loved me.

But that's where the story starts. It starts on January 8th. A Monday, it could had been any normal day, but that is the day I met him.

Shit. Shit. I can't be late, it's his wedding. It's my Brother's wedding. I increase my pace and tread down the airport stairs to the terminal. I run my hands through my hair that flies into my face.


I look up at the flashing boards. Fuck. I pace down the terminal and can see the faint 23 in the distance. My body decides to go for it as I break into a full on sprit.

Fuck, running is so hard; I clench my hip, hurting with stitch. I quickly turn into the area and flash my boarding pass and passport. Breathing heavily I manage to stand up straight.

"You were lucky, you just made it." She smiles.

I can't mutter the words because I am so out of breathe, but I manage to flash her a smile. I reach up to feel my burning cheeks and push my now sweaty hair out of my forehead. Great look for a wedding Dan. Really classy.

I manage to find my way to my seat, people give me disapproving looks as I shuffle along the aisle with my backpack (not suitable for a wedding I know.) I reach my seat and awkwardly get by the person sitting to my left. I place my backpack by my feet and sigh. Just 9 hours. Only 9 hours.

I sit back and relax. I try and recover from my heart attack and slide back against the seat. I get out a magazine from my bag and start to read. The plane takes off and soon we are in the air.

I look along the rows and the plane is fairly empty. One woman next to me on my left but the two seats to my right are both unoccupied. My head cranes round and spots a spare window seat. I grab my bag and swiftly sit down. I feel kind of bad; but then no one was using it.

I watch the sun set out the window and start to unwind. I put my headphones on and plug on Muse, I lose myself for a couple of minutes.

"Excuse me." I feel a light tap on my shoulder.

I look round and come face to face with a boy about my age. I take a breath. I examine his bright blue eyes, I take in his flawless snow white skin and he has straight jet black hair flopping over his face. I am taken back.

"Sorry." I stammer, and pull out a head phone from my ear.

He looks down at the seat. "That's my seat."

Shit. I can feel my cheeks turning scarlet. "Oh sorry, I didn't see anyone sitting here."

I get up and life my bag from under the seat. I awkwardly shuffle out back into the aisle. He carries on looking at me, as if he has something to say.

I turn my back and begin to walk back to my seat.

"Hey." I hear his voice shout. "You can sit next to me if you want, I'm not with anyone."

I can feel the corners of my mouth lift into a smile. I run my fingers through my hair and turn back to face him.

"Thanks." I smile.

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