Chapter 25

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The Rivers family went ice skating for the evening. Phillip kept falling, and Ariana kept picking him up. Finally, he went and sat on one of the benches, muttering something about ice skating not being his thing. Mr Rivers was sitting on the same bench. He kept staring at Phillip while Phillip stared at Ariana waltzing with Anna. He finally realised that he was occupying a sacred seat and got up hastily. "No no, Phillip! Sit down! I have to talk to you." Mr Rivers insisted, patting the bench. Phillip sat down nervously. It wasn't like he was scared of Ariana's dad. He was scared of.. okay maybe he was scared of Ariana's dad. Whatever.
"Phillip, you really like my daughter, don't you?" Oh God no, the mature talk. Phillip groaned internally. Being a womaniser, he never really had been talked to this way. He was a little curious about the content of the topic. "Yes, sir." Phillip said truthfully. It was true. He never had liked anyone the way he had liked Ariana. That was the worst part. He was about to do something he would always regret, for he had truly loved the girl. Mr Rivers nodded, a smile playing on his lips. Phillip looked at him expectantly, waiting for more challenging questions. Mr Rivers noticed Phillip's gaze on him. "What?" "Nothing, um, I thought.." Phillip trailed off. Mr Rivers chuckled. "That's all for today, boy. I'm not going to trouble you with any more questions." Phillip sighed in relief. "And one more thing, Phillip." "Yes, sir?" "You can call me James." He said simply, before getting up to help Anna who had fallen down. Phillip stared after him, wondering what had brought about this sudden change of heart. He would never know.


Elsa was finally alone in her room. Excusing herself from the Christmas dinner, she had run all the way up and had sat on her bed, holding Luke's present in her trembling hands. It was wrapped in beautiful matt purple paper, with a white ribbon on it. Elsa stared at, touching it softly, as if she were trying to feel Luke along it's edges and curves. She finally pulled lightly at the ribbon and it came undone. Setting it aside, she worked on the present.
She removed the wrapper slowly and held the beautiful thing in her hand. It was a snow globe. A beautiful one, with two people waltzing inside it to a faster version of Bella's lullaby. Elsa stared at it, her face expressionless. She suddenly put it aside and was about to throw the wrapper away when she saw something more inside it. A Daisy. Elsa removed it softly. She remembered telling Luke that her favourite flower was a Daisy. She said that she had never liked Roses. They always looked like they were craving for attention. She loved Daisies. Small, unassuming but still beautiful, she loved the way they nodded their heads with the wind. She remembered telling Luke all this, and finally an emotion filled her expressionless face. Tears welled up in her eyes. He remembered. He remembered she loved Daisies and not exquisite Orchids or Roses. He remembered it was Christmas and she wanted a present. He remembered that she had loved him, even after the way she had insulted him. Elsa kept the Daisy alongside the snow globe and sobbed into her pillow, falling asleep after a while. And, after many days, Elsa slept soundly that night.


CAUTION: MATURE CONTENT. Read it if you like, but if you don't, you won't be missing out on anything. So if you're not old enough for this, I advise you: DON'T READ IT. It might scar you for life ;)


The door to Katherine's room burst open and she and Zack tumbled in, kissing each other desperately. Zack locked the door behind him, taking off his shirt. Katherine could never help feeling awed by his body, even though she had seen it tons of times. Smooth eight packs rippled down his stomach: this was what made girls drool over him. His denims were strung low, making his V line look extremely appealing. Katherine ran a hand down his abs, smiling on feeling him shiver slightly beneath her touch. Zack smiled against her lips as he kissed her, running a hand down her waist. He pulled her top off and laid her down in bed as she tangled her hands in his hair. They kissed passionately, and suddenly the lights went out. "This is even better." Zack whispered hoarsely against her neck, kissing it. Katherine only moaned in reply as Zack unclasped her bra. "Za..c..k.." Katherine said, her breathing shallow. "We won't do this if you aren't comfortable with it, Kath." Zack said hastily, trying to clasp her bra back on. "No, I didn't mean that!" Katherine said breathily, throwing her bra among the junk in her room. Zack smiled and kissed her right on her breasts, making her throw her head back in pleasure. The drive was too great. Zack reached for the foil packet on the bedside table, unbuttoning his jeans.


A/N: So.. um.. I guess I did it. Made Zack and Katherine sleep together, I mean. Was it good? Was it.. weird? This is the first time I've written something like this so that's the reason why I wanted to know wether it appealed to you'll. I hope it did. Ohh yeah, how was the new cover? I hope you'll liked it. I thought it was better than the old one. Let me know how you'll feel about it.

Forever Yours,
Grandma leviosapatronus ;)


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