Chapter 1 ~ Purple

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I wake up in my bed. Ropes tied around my wrists and ankles. I must have had a nightmare again because my limbs burn. I sigh I do not like this place, my dad sent me here. There are people who scream, they are insane. My nurse walks in

"Good morning (y/n) I was able to find you a book to read, I'm sorry your dad sent you here and I am sorry we have to do this to you" Nurse Samantha said but I call her Sam

"It's not your fault how long do I have to stay here for" I asked

"Until your eighteen remember" Sam said

"I know I just need somebody to tell me these things it helps me keep my calm around the people here" I said opening the book Sam gave me. Black Beauty, I always wanted to read this one. I open to the first page and Sam hands me a plate "no thank you I am not hungry" I said

"You have to eat I will get in trouble if you don't and I grabbed you some of the breakfast from the nurses break room" Sam said opening the small box that had French toast, bacon and eggs in it, I smiled and ate it all

"Thank you Sam" I said

"No problem well we have to go out to the commons area now" she said and I shivered I would rather be strapped on a bed of needles than go out with the crazy people. "I know you hate it but there is nothing I can do" Sam said, I nodded showing I understood, I followed her out holding my book in my hands. When we got out there people were drooling and moaning and screaming. A tear slipped from my eye as I found a place to sit on top of one of the tables. Nobody sits on the tables so that's what I do.

"THERE GOING TO KILL US ALL WE MUST SUMMON HIM TO SAVE US" I heard someone yell I cringed and began to read my book. I couldn't quite comprehend the whole situation because of all the noise, I kept on repeating chapters until I heard a low raspy voice speak

"Please tell me your not insane" I looked up at a man with a strait jacket on, he had purple skin and purple hair with white eyes, he had a white smile as well. He was tall and skinny

"Well no my dad sent me here because he hates me are you insane" I asked closing my book

"Well yeah but not like most people I am obsessed with murdering children, but don't let that scare you away I only murdered six of them" the purple man said "I am not a sick minded demon, I am simply a murderer who kinda killed a few guards at the jail" he said I giggled

"So what is your name" I asked

"Vincent" the man replied "what's yours"

"(Y/n)" I replied

"That's a beautiful name" Vincent purred, I blushed it had been a very long time since anyone has talked to me normally. "So what were you reading" Vincent asked

"Black beauty" I replied holding my book up

"What is it about" He said

"I don't really know I can't comprehend it very well" I said shrugging my shoulders, Vincent shifted in his strait jacket

"I hate this damned thing" Vincent said and what seemed like his nurse was behind him

"If you can keep control of yourself I will take it off but if you even try to hurt someone it's going back on" he said

"I promise" Vincent said and his nurse took off the strait jacket. Vincent shook his arms and stretched. That's when I realized he had crossed his fingers "I am going to find a way out of here" Vincent whispered to me

" there is no way out" I said

"There is always a way out I am from Texas, broke out of 16 different jails now I am in South Dakota no prison can hold me down and I am damn sure no asylum can either" he said

"16 jails" I said in disbelief

"Yep 16 of them 5 of them maximum lockdown" Vincent replied gloating a little

"Well then let me know when you break out of here" I said opening my book again, Vincent's purple hand brought it down again

"Will you come with me" Vincent asked and I stared at him

"It does sound nice" I said and Vincent smirked

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