Vincent picks me up.
"You better start explaining" I huff.
"Seiun came into my life roughly seven years ago. I met her while I was at work, she came in one day and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. When she ordered her drink, I had written my number on her cup. Long story short, she texted me and we started talking. It was nearing the end of the year so I thought I would invite her to a new years eve party I was hosting. She happily accepted my request and showed up to the party."
"I was drunk that night and didn't remember what exactly happened, but from the stories people told me, we did the dirty. I can't do that "no strings attached" sex so we ended up getting into a relationship. At first the relationship was fine, we got along, we made each other happy. A few months later things started going downhill. We started to get into fights a lot over really stupid things and she wouldn't stop putting me down, I quit trying to make her happy. That was a big mistake, when I tried to cut her out of my life, she would do anything and everything to get my attention. She keyed my car so often I stopped getting it fixed. She'd break into my house and write things all over the place. Seuin loved to sneak into my house and attempt to kill me. She'd steal, break, or hurt the things I loved. Just to get back at me for not continuing to be with her."
"I tried so many times to contact people to get her away from me, but every time I tried something, it would always work in her favor. I never won a court case, and all of my restraining orders were denied. I didn't know what to do. I started going crazy, paranoid that she was always following me, I would pack things that I liked around with me. I was so clingy towards the people I loved and I rarely let them out of my sight. I'd put extra locks on my apartment and at night I would seal everything. Every little sound would make me jump, I'd think it's her. Sometimes I was right, she would come "visit" me, she would just happen to show up in the same places I was."
"Eventually my neighbors in my apartment were worried. They complained a lot of all the noise I would make, screaming, crying, stuff like that. This went on for at least a year, then one day, the people came, they took me to a really large building, not long after I realized I was at an asylum. At first I really wanted out, I would break out of them, so I'd be taken to prison. I kept breaking out until the Asylum in South Dakota."
"That asylum was where I realized that Seiun couldn't get me, I was safe from her bullshit as long as I stayed there. Though I still fought the nurses and patients, I stopped being as stubborn and quit with the breakout attempts. Until you came along. I don't know how long you were there for, but my first week of being in general population, you were the only person I noticed. The day I decided to talk to you was the same day that I felt happiness around you. At first I was scared, nervous that you would be just like Seiun. But you weren't, you seemed so out of place, like you didn't belong in that Asylum. You felt like a gallon of cold water in the middle of a desert. You know what happens after that. I didn't think Seiun would follow us to Paris, but Mahogany and Vendetta will probably end up taking us to their island anyway."
I was already crying, I couldn't imagine the things that Vince had to go through. That was such a horrible situation. Vincent pulls me closer into his chest.
"I had no idea that's happened to you," I sigh. Vincent shrugs his shoulders and takes a deep breath.
"It kind of felt nice to talk about that," Vince admits.
"Well you can't keep that all to yourself, are we going to tell Mahogany?" I question.
"Mhm," Vincent nods his head, "Right now."

Vincent x Reader (Asylum)
FanfictionI am sane, I'm not mentally ill. Why am I in the Asylum, because of dad he had enough of me and he hated me so off to the Asylum I went. It's crazy there, people scare me, they scream and just babble on about sick things. One day a purple man shows...