"(Y/n)," Samantha sung. I woke up slowly, stretching. I already knew something was wrong, I didn't even have to ask.
"What's going on?" I asked. Samantha sighed and brought me over to the door, we walked out into the hallway.
"Well, I'm pretty sure you already know," Samantha chuckled, "It's Vincent." I froze, hopefully Vincent wasn't causing any trouble. I saw Mahogany knocking on Vincent's door.
"Vincent, come out," she cooed. I gulped and neared the door. Mahogany turned towards me, "Oh, there you are, we are worried about Vincent." I didn't even reply, I just went straight up to the door.
"Vincent?" I asked. I knocked on the door. "Vincent please open the door."
Before I could think twice the door swung open. I was pulled inside and the door shut. It was dark, I couldn't see a lot. But I did see Vincent had snapped while I was gone, the couches were moved, chairs knocked over, blankets and pillows strewn all around the room. A flower pot lay in pieces on the floor, luckily, it didn't have any dirt inside. The blinds were all messed up, and all of the knives were out and the worst part, blood was everywhere. Smeared all over the walls, on the floor, on the couch.
"Vincent?" I asked. Fear had struck me.
"Yes love?" he replied. I looked at the dark looming shadow in front of me. I held my hand out, Vincent grabbed my fingers. His were warm and bloody. I squeezed Vincent's fingers and brought him back to our bedroom. I flipped on the lamp and almost passed out. Vincent's eyes were bloodshot, his hair was a mess, and he was bloody, really bloody. I gasped and covered my mouth.
"Vincent," was all I managed to say. Tears began racing down my cheeks. New cuts lined Vincent's chest, really, deep, cuts. "S-SAMANTHA!" I screamed. I raced for the door, I heard banging. I opened it and dragged Samantha inside. "FIX HIM!" I pleaded. Vincent stood in the hallway, he watched us.
"I have to go get my kit," Samantha said. Vincent turned on the living room light, that's when I saw the worst cut. I could see Vincent's left lung, and his heart beating.
"Vincent," I whispered, "aren't you in pain?"
"Yes," Vincent coughed. I cringed, it almost made me pass out. "But see I have a heart."
"Vincent, you don't need to cut to prove that to yourself," I sighed walking over to him. I grabbed his hand and placed it on my chest. "Can you feel that?" I asked.
"Thump thump thump," Vincent whispered. I smiled.
"Yeah, that thumping noise is proof I have a heart, see I don't need to cut myself open to prove it," I explained. Vincent placed his hand just above the wound.
"I feel it," Vincent smiled half-heartedly.
"Alright, Vincent go to the guest bedroom," Samantha closed and locked the door behind her. Vincent held my hand as we walked to the bedroom, I opened the door and Samantha quickly stripped the far bed of it's covers.
Vincent went and laid down on the bed, his eyes never left me. I stared at Vincent, afraid if I look away, he'll disappear. I pulled a chair over from across the room. Samantha moved the bedside table over so she could put her tools out.
"Samantha I thought you were only a hospital nurse, I didn't know you knew how to stitch people back up," I said. Samantha grinned a little, I sat down in the chair.
"Well I was still going to school in the medical field, I was working as an Asylum nurse to earn some money," Samantha handed Vincent a towel, "here bite down."
"I didn't know that," I laughed a little. Samantha smiled in response, she picked up a pair of weird looking scissors. She brought them to Vincent's skin and began to cut. Vincent's screams were muffled by the towel, he immediately grabbed my hand. I looked away, my heart seemed to break hearing those screams.
"Vincent it'll hurt less if you relax," Samantha urged. Vincent squeezed my hand so hard I felt like my hand was going to break.
"Just breathe," I cooed, I turned back around I rested my hand on Vincent's forehead. Vincent relaxed a little, but he still screamed. Then in the midst of all the chaos, there was silence. Vincent's grip on me went away. His fingers no longer curled around my hand. Vincent's head fell to the side, his whole body seemed to loosen.
His heart rate slowed, and his breathing became steady. I sighed and sat back, relaxing. Samantha continued with her handy work. She got rid of the jagged edges on the cut and was beginning to suture Vincent.
"Should I go tell the others what is going on?" I asked. Samantha nodded. I got up out of the chair and walked to the front of the apartment. I opened the front door slightly, Mike and Jeremy were sitting on the floor talking. Mahogany was pacing back and forth, Vendetta was nowhere to be found. "So Vincent is still alive, he hurt himself, but Samantha is fixing that problem. You guys can come in but Samantha probably wants us to stay out of the guest bedroom."
"There isn't any permanant damage is there?" Mahogany asked. I shook my head and opened the door farther. Everyone came inside. Mahogany gasped, she stopped. "Oh my this needs some cleaning up."
"Yeah I guess so," I laughed slightly, and with that, we all went to work cleaning up the apartment.

Vincent x Reader (Asylum)
FanficI am sane, I'm not mentally ill. Why am I in the Asylum, because of dad he had enough of me and he hated me so off to the Asylum I went. It's crazy there, people scare me, they scream and just babble on about sick things. One day a purple man shows...