We were almost to the docking point. I was getting excited, Vincent stood near the window. He was rather calm but I was worried. His black eyes would appear for a second then fade. I felt like it's what would happen before one of his tantrums. I decided to go find Mahogany and ask her. I walked around and found my way up to where Vendetta was. Unsurprisingly there she was standing right by his side,
"Mahogany may I talk to you," I asked,
"Sure what's up," she replied as I pulled her aside,
"How does Vincent act before one of his" I paused, "tantrums," I questioned and Mahogany sighed,
"He gets really quiet, and you'll start to notice his eyes changing-" Mahogany was cut off by a loud crash coming from downstairs. We both looked down the stairs then back at each other and ran. Vendetta following closely behind us. We all came into the main room and saw the pool table flipped on its side. Vincent stood breathing heavily, his fists were clenched and his eyes were black. He glared at us, Mahogany whispered something to Vendetta. He nodded and ran away.
"Vincent you need to calm down," Mahogany warned grabbing something out of her shoe. She hid it behind her back and slowly walked forward
"You bitch," Vincent growled,
"Vincent what's wrong," Mahogany asked finally face to face with him, she showed no fear. Vincent let out a huff then backhanded her, Mahogany fell to the ground taking out the small device and shoving it into Vincent's leg. He screamed out falling to the floor and taking a shiny object out of his sleeve.
A knife, a large one from the kitchen,
"Vincent," I yelled out to him as he raised the blade above his head "VINCENT THAT'S ENOUGH," I screamed now enraged, Vincent looked over at me "Vincent," I said sternly and the knife fell onto the floor,
"Love," Vincent said in a voice unlike his own. His eyes flickered between black and white as he stumbled closer to me, "love," he said again when he finally reached me. He smiled weakly at me and hugged me. I gasped from the sudden movement but eventually hugged back. Not long after I heard muffled sobs. I pulled away from him, Vincent stared at me, tears ran down his face. Finally Vendetta came back with Mike and Jeremy,
"I see you already solved the problem," Vendetta said and he ran to Mahogany finally noticing her motionless body on the floor. Mike and Jeremy went to go fix the pool table that was sitting on its side. Vincent looked around seeing what destruction he had caused.
"Oh god," he said and ran, I quickly followed behind him. I kept my distance as he raced down the hall. I made my presence unknown to him. He sprinted into his room, I waited unmoving outside his door. I heard him muttering, "oh god I went too far, oh my, my love, she won't love me anymore," he said his voice breaking, "I messed up, she's going to run, oh no" he said and I heard shattering, "oh no, oh no," I cut him off by walking in,
"Vincent" I said looking around, Vincent had smashed his mirror. His hand was bleeding onto the floor. I quickly walked around the broken shards of glass and hugged Vincent, "I love you" he froze as if the word's only purpose was to hurt him, there was a pause,
"Are you lying," he asked,"No I love you and I mean it," I replied and I felt a finger life my chin. I looked into Vincent's eyes and he leaned in a kissed me. The kiss was cut short when I pulled away. I grabbed Vincent's hand and held it up. Blood was all over the place now, even on my face,
"Love, I'm sorry," he said and I smiled a little,"It's okay," I replied and we walked out of his bedroom and into the main room where Mahogany, Samantha, Jeremy, Mike and Vendetta sat. They all glanced at Vincent giving him an annoyed look. He put his head in his hands and walked away. I looked over at Samantha,
"Coming," she said getting up. The best part of having Samantha around is she knows everything, my looks, thoughts and sometimes my words. We walked in the direction in which Vincent went. I saw him in the kitchen again. With another knife, but this time his eyes were white. Fear struck me, he brought the knife down onto his arms cutting a vertical line across his arm. No, I wasn't going to let this happen,
"Vincent no," I said and he looked in my direction throwing the knife into the wall to the right of him. I had to admit he was good with a knife,
"Love," he started and I grabbed his arm,
"No please don't do this to yourself," I said and Samantha walked in with a small box. She opened it and pulled out bandages, Vaseline, and her suture, she carried it everywhere. I watched as she took care of Vincent. That's when I noticed Mike standing in the door way... watching her. Once he noticed me he turned a corner, I walked over to Mike.
"I know you like her," I said facing Mike, his face became red
"How did you know," he asked,
"Your face is red," I replied and laughed a little
"Oh god um does she have a boyfriend," Mike questioned
"No and I think she kind of likes you too, she hangs out with you a lot," I replied an Mike smiled at me. I saw Vincent leave the room and walk off. Then Mike went inside. I decided to stay and watch. I saw Mike walk up to Samantha and began to talk to her as she put her supplies away. Suddenly she stopped, her face became red and she looked up at Mike. She nodded yes, quickly put the rest of her things away and hurried out a smile resent on her face.
"Hey we are here," I heard Jeremy's voice tell me. I turned around with a smirk on my face.
"Finally," I said

Vincent x Reader (Asylum)
FanfictionI am sane, I'm not mentally ill. Why am I in the Asylum, because of dad he had enough of me and he hated me so off to the Asylum I went. It's crazy there, people scare me, they scream and just babble on about sick things. One day a purple man shows...