four - friends

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Master puts the seatbelt over my chest and locks it in with a click, I know it's not that hard but the seatbelt is so heavy I can't lift it. I mumbled a thank you and blushed. He smiles and starts the engine. "Sir, if I may ask. Where are we going?"

He took out a cigarette and tells me to get a lighter from his drawer. I nodded my head and took it out. I light it up and put it near the cigarette. He thanks me and drove off. "You haven't answered my question, sir." He glares at me but didn't say anything. He won't tell me!

I huffed and slumped back against the car seat. "Fine, we're going to meet some friends of mine. So behave, Sam." I smiled and mentally did a happy dance in my head. Yay, I'm going to meet new people! I hope his friends are nice. I really need a friend. It gets so lonely at home, and a friend would be nice. I mean, as of now, Jasper's my friend.

It took 20 minutes to get there and I see a huge mansion in front of me. My mouth opened in awe. I could get lost in there, I bet it has maps plastered everywhere so people won't get lost. I hear Master clearing his throat to get my attention. "I'm sorry, sir."

"Come on."

I got out of the car and I followed him as he walked up to the huge mansion. I saw some really expensive cars and I mentally cried to myself.

To be honest, I know none of the names of these cars.

I found myself at the front door and Master knocks on it.

The door opened and I see my bestfriend, Jasper. His smile widens when he saw me. "Thank God, you're here. I thought I was the only one who's still in school in there!" We laughed and Master smiles. "Come in!" Jasper says.

We walked in and as I expected, more beautiful things. It's so magestic. "Who's house is this, sir?" I asked. "My friend, Carl. Come on, I want them to see you." He takes my hand and we walked through the crowd to where his friends are, I guess.

I saw eight people sitting on a round couch. Master walked over to them. They turned around and greeted him. Okay, so.. what am I supposed to do? I turned around and saw that Jasper isn't here anymore. What am I going to do? Should I join Master.. or what? Master turns to look at me and tells me to go to him. I walked towards him and his friends looked at me. "Guys, this is Sam. Sam, this is Michael, Carl, Jermaine, Dean, Kane, Finn, Dexter and of course, Earl."

Oh my God, my brain stopped at Michael. I didn't hear a single word he said.

"Sit down next to me." I nodded my head and obeyed. I sat down next to him and they started asking me questions.

"Zack has told us a lot about you in the group chat, and oh my God, you are cute in person. Zack's one lucky guy, ain't he?" His friends, Kane said. I blushed, I saw Master glaring at him and Kane glared back at him. "How were you treated at the auction?" My heart stopped and Master glared at him. Carl slaps Jermaine's arm hard. "Let's not talk about that kind of stuff." Jermaine rolls his eyes and continues eating the chicken risotto on his plate.

"Sorry about Jermaine. He doesn't think before saying something." And that's when Jermaine stood up from his seat and went somewhere. I can tell he was mad by the way he was walking away, making everyone in the room look at him. Carl sighs and gave us a little smile. "I'll be back." He said. We nodded our heads.

"So, uh.. how old are you, Sammy?" Dean asked. I blushed at the nickname and told him that I am sixteen. He nods his head and another one asks me a question. "Can we be friends?" I smiled. "Of course, we can." I saw Master rolls his eyes. The silenceness took over and everyone looked at eachother.

"Anybody want some kebabs?"

Master and I said our goodbyes to them and went out the door. We walked back to the car in silence. "How did you feel, Sam?" Master asked out of the sudden. I smiled and said it was nice. "Am I going to see them again, sir?"

"Definitely. Now get in the car." I got inside the car and he started the engine. "I got a lot of things to do tomorrow and you'll be alone at home, so.. do you want to go work with me?" He asked.

"Of course, sir. That would be great. But sir, wouldn't it bother you having me around?" I asked.

"No worries, there's children's section there, I can put you there." He said in a serious voice. "Seriously?"

"No, I'm just kidding. I have a lot of things in the office, you can play with them." Play with what? He knows I'm a damn sixteen year old right?

"There's wifi, right?" He rolls his eyes. "Of course, there is. It would be a shame that a billionaire can't afford wifi." He said in a duh tone. I smiled and before I know it. We arrived at home. He took out the car keys and we walked inside the house. He slumps on the couch I stood in front of him. "What are you standing in front of me for? Come, let's cuddle." I blushed and he sat up on the couch. He pats his lap and I sat on it.

This is one weird position. "Um." I blushed. He told me to relax and he wraps his arms around my body. "You're so warm." He says. "" He laughs and I found myself laying on top of him. "Do you like chicken?" He suddenly asks. I looked at him with my left eyebrow raised.

"Yes." I replied. "Why, sir?"

He shruggs his shoulders. "I don't know." He kisses my neck and I blushed.

"You seriously have a fever. You keep turning red every now and then."

"I'm not sick, sir. I'm blushing, it's a natural reaction." He smirks and nibbles softly on my neck. "That means, you love me, right?" He asks. "What? No!" I protested. He rolls his eyes, not believing my lie. "Don't lie to me, Sam."

"I'm not, sir."

"You are. Let it go, you know you love me."

"It doesn't mean I lo-"


I wasn't in love with him.

At least, not yet anyways.

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