➸ i won't

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"Have a nice day, Mr Edwards." The stewardess said as I walked down from the jet. I smiled at her and nodded my head. I held Sam's hand as he stepped down. "Carefully now.." I said gently and he nodded his head. "Let's get some rest when we get home, okay?" I asked and he hummed.


Samnerson has started to look different since the last two weeks. He seems to be.. fatter?

Not that it bothers me, I think he looks absolutely adorable. And lately, he's been craving so many junk foods. I kept telling him to reduce the intake but instead of listening to me, he throws a tantrum. His cheeks would be bright red, tears all over his face. He was really angry so I let him eat.

We're going straight to the doctors after this. We're going to see what is wrong with Sam and why he's acting like a (cute) brat.

I watched Dr. Rogue examined my lover from a short distance. The doctor keeps saying some words I do not understand to the nurse. Sam looks at me, worry in his eyes. Silently asking me what is going to happen to him after everything is done.

Suddenly the doctor said that he needs to bring Sam over to another room. "You can come with us if you want. It's better if you do." He suggested and I nodded my head. "I'll go with you." I said.

Soon, we arrived in the usual patient room. The only different thing here was that.. thing. The thing that doctors use on you to tell whether you're like pregnant or no- WHAT.


The nurse tells Sam to lie down on the bed. Sam does as he was told to and the doctor bends down to reach for something. What are we doing here?

"What are we doing here?" I asked sternly. The doctor begins to pull some wires and attached it to the ultrasound.

"Samnerson Zayne may, you know, be pregnant. He's already showing it. His growing belly, his craving for food is increasing rapidly. He could be pregnant. I want to see if he is." Dr. Rogue explained and my heart skips a beat. I don't know what to think or feel right now.

But Sam's a guy. Guys can't get pregnant.

"Don't fuck with me, Dr. Rogue." I exclaimed angrily. The doctor smiles and walks over to me then puts a hand on my shoulder. I gave him a death glare but the doctor seemed unfazed. "Male pregnancy is rare, Mr. Edwards. Males have low possibility to get pregnant but it is possible. It's really rare. And Samnerson Zayne, I believe, could be pregnant." Dr. Rogue said, looking at me in the eyes as he said those words.

"I need to get some things for this. I will be right back with you, Mr Edwards." The doctor says. He walks out the the room and I looked at Sam. Fear was written all over his face.

I took a seat on the armchair and stared out the window. "Are you mad?" I hear him asked. I smiled at him and shook my head. "You seem like you do." He said.

He frowns and fiddles with his long fingers.

I stood up and walked towards him. He looks at me and held out his hand to me. I grabbed it gently and squatted down at his face level. "I'm not mad. I'm just scared. I'm terrified." I said softly.

"I don't know what this whole pregnancy could lead us to. What if you are pregnant? I don't know how male pregnancies work, Sam. What if.. what if you don't make it? What happens then?" I said- asked.

The pain was real. I'm scared for this. I'm scared for Sam. I finally felt love because of Sam.

If he's gone, what'll happen to me? How am I going to live without my lover? What am I going to do?

I don't want to turn back to my old self. I don't want to live a meaningless life.

I don't want to be alone.

"Don't leave me."

"I won't"


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