➸ 5 months

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5 months till the baby's born. Luckily there's no sign of people trying to hurt my baby and Sam. Everything's been going really well lately.

Did the guy give up? Was he going to hurt Sam or was he here to steal something? I'm not sure. He was probably some random robber. He probably wasn't some assassin, yeah totally. Totally a random guy who waltz into my house, grabbing nothing but pushed my lover.

Speaking of lover, mine has been raiding the fridge at 3 in the morning. Which is, now.

"Hey Zacky, where did you put my chocolates?" Sam asks as he dives himself into the opened refrigerator once more. "You ate the last one last night." I replied. Sam frowns and his eyes becomes watery. I gasped and he starts to cry.

I walked towards him and hugged the little (not really, did I mention were almost the same height? I'm like 6'4 and he's like an inch shorter than me.) angel I've come to love so so much.

I cooed sweet things like how perfect he is even though he looks like he swallowed a watermelon, how long his eyelashes are and that he's cuter than Edward Cullen.

"He's not cute at all. What the fu-" Sniff. "-ck are you saying?" He says, wiping his snot on my shirt.

Thank God, this shirt is my least favourite.

"I'm so sad. It makes me wanna call a random person. Let go of me, I want my phone." He said as he struggles to push me away from our hug. I didn't let go so he kicked my crotch and I fell to the floor, letting our bond hug go. He walks passes me and grabs his phone and calls the random person he mentioned. Sam turns around to look at me. I winked at him while laying on the floor. He winks back an- well I think he winked back or something was in his eye?

He then talks on the phone, still looking at me who was still on the floor, not making any movements. I stared at him until he hung up.

"I want pancakes." He demanded. "That's not how you ask for things, Sam." I said teasingly.
He then pulled out this expression on his face saying he wasn't playing around and he wanted his fucking pancake now. "Sheesh, fine. Calm down, you buffalo." I said while waving my hands in surrender.

The whole squad was here discussing about the shit that happened last night.

"-that was awkward." Carl said, breaking the silence, after watching Dean and Kane fell down the stairs together.

It was cute actually but what if there was a twist? Literally, like a twisted ankle?

So as I said, the squad is all here. Which I'm going to introduce them all to you via mind. Free shipping, like couple ships. They can't be sold. Anyway!

Michael Anderson, the crimelord, oh and a personal assassin for the Sicilian Mafia.

Earl Lanerick, the mob boss, right hand man is Jasper, left hand man is Finn. (Earl is also a part-time teacher!)

Carl and I are bosses of our own company.

Jermaine is a mob boss as well.

Dean, Kane, Dexter work for Michael Anderson, who when his name is shortened will always be Will.

Which always makes me wonder why.

And the last but not least, Samnerson Zayne, my lover. And future husband, who also has a baby on the way. If the incoming baby comes out, his room would be blue because I like blue!

I'm going to pay some contractors for that. North West room style!

I should really pay attention.

"You should get some guards, man." Jermaine suggested. I nodded my head and said that I'll think about it.

"I could get a maid as well. So she can watch out for Sam but you know that ain't ever gonna work because Sam doesn't listen to anyone when he's pregnant. But I guess I'd give it a shot." I said and Sam glares at me. I winked at him and he pulls out his phone in a way of someone holding a knife, readying to murder someone. I gasped in fear but then replaced it with the love I will forever have for Sam.

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