Chapter Twelve

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(there's so many p.o.v changes but pls bare with it)

Dan's P.O.V

We got home a while ago and we decided to drink right away. We were just so damn happy for the holiday and my parents were gone so why not? I got Phil a Totoro onesie and I really hope he likes it! I got Carrie a really pretty pink dress. I saw her looking at it online and complaining about how expensive it was, so when I saw it at a store I had to get it!

We were sitting in my room just talking when out of the blue, Carrie said; "Have you guys ever watched porn?" Phil and I looked at each other, stunned.

Carrie isn't the kind of person to talk like that. She's so prude and innocent, so it was weird to hear that from her.

"Uuuuhhmm.... Where did that come from?" I asked.

"It was just a question, silly!" Carrie said, taking another big chug from her alcoholic beverage. Phil stood up and walked over to her. "Okay Carrie, I think that's enough alcohol for you tonight, time for bed!"

"Phil I didn't even have that much!" Carrie protests, but stands up anyway when Phil walks over. "Oh really?" I ask. "What do you call an entire bottle of cherry vodka and three full glasses of ribena?" (I don't know how to spell it, sorry...) I ask.

"Ppffftt... Not a looot..." Carrie says. Phil pulls her out of the room without anymore protest. I decide to clean up a bit so when morning comes there won't be too much cleaning to do. When Phil got back into the room, he went straight for my bed and flipped down like a beached whale.

"I'm so drunk and tired but I don't wanna sleep but I do and my thoughts are all weird and I just wanna..... I don't even know." Phil rambled.

Then he started giggling. Uncontrollably. At nothing. And because his giggling was so damn cute I couldn't help but giggle too. But giggling turned into laughter. And the next thing I knew I was flopped down beside Phil and we were crying because we were laughing so hard. Do I know why? No. It just happened. When our laughing dies down to a few chuckles here and there, I realize that I am unbelievably tired.

"Hey Phil, I think I'm going to go to sleep." I say. "Same here." He replies.

I take off my clothes and go under my covers, too tired and drunk to put on any sort of pyjamas. I lay my head on my pillow and close my eyes and I feel Phil come into bed next to me.

"You're not sleeping on the floor tonight?" I ask him.

"No. It's not very comfortable if I'm being honest. The mattress deflates in the middle of the night and it's really annoying. So I'm sleeping here tonight." He looks at me in the eyes. "Is that okay?" He asks. My heart rate quickens. "Yea of course." Phil wants to sleep in bed with me. But, it's just because he's drunk and it's uncomfortable on the ground. He's not interested. We just rekindled our friendship so he can't like me, right? But what about at the water fountain today? We were so close and I thought we were going to kiss. But, that was just my imagination, right? God I want to kiss Phil.

"Dan?" Phil asks.

"Yes Phil?" I reply. Phil doesn't say anything. Not one word. But it turns out, he was thinking the same thing as me, because he leaned in and kissed me.

It was sloppy and wet because we were drunk, but it felt so right. It felt like it was suppose to happen. He pulls away too soon, so I grabbed his face and pulled him in for another kiss. Just as sloppy and just as wet, but just as perfect. Just as right.

Phil grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him as the kiss got less sloppy and more passionate. There were fireworks going off inside me, and I could tell Phil felt them too.

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