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Juliet's POV

Last night I had trouble sleeping. All I was thinking about was Harry, but it was more specific this time. Yesterday I overheard him playing his guitar and faint singing. I'd caught ahold of the chorus at one point which was: "All that you wanted, all that you needed, was the side of me I never let you see. And I wish I could love you and make you believe it cause that's all you ever wanted from me. From me."

I couldn't help but wonder who he was talking about. At first I considered the possibility of it being me, but I quickly pushed that thought aside. He wouldn't sing a song about or to me. It just doesn't work like that with us anymore. The only time I ever heard him sing was once at a fundraiser where I begged him to so that they'd get more money for the cancer patients.

His voice. It was like an angel, rich and velvety. I still remember the song he sang and how every note was hit perfectly. He sang the song "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder. I don't think he knew, but that's my all-time favourite song. The whole time he sang his eyes focused on me. I couldn't help it that my heart skipped a beat when he sang the words "Comin' from the lips of an angel, hearin' those words it makes me weak".

Those days are gone, though. If I could go back in time and just relive the memories we had, I would. If only time could've stayed frozen there when we were happy together. I want it back so bad. The only question I have to ask myself is, can I do it again?

That night when he got angry, I was scared. His voice rose in volume, louder than I'd ever experienced. I remember how his fists were clenched tight by his sides. I remember everything like it was just yesterday.


The yard was full of people. They were dancing, grinding, or just huddled in circles talking. People yelled over the music so their friends could hear them. I, on the other hand, was looking for my boyfriend. I'd sworn he was by the drinks a couple minutes ago. Now all of the sudden he'd vanished. As I weaved through the crowd someone grabbed onto my wrist. Normally a smile would've showed up on my face instantly, but this wasn't who I thought it would be. The hands were rougher, grip tighter than I would've liked. My body was yanked backward into an unknown male's front. His hot breath blew against my ear as he whispered.

"Dance on me."

"No," I growled back. Obviously he didn't know Harry. If he did he wouldn't have thought about even putting his hands on me. The only problem was that I had no idea where the hell Harry was and this man scared me. His hand smacked my arse hard.

"Now," he ordered.

I did all I could think of to keep me out of an ugly situation, I followed his orders. A sickening feeling rushed up in my stomach as I backed into the masculine figure. My backside roughly collided with his sensitive area multiple times as I grinder my hips to his. Another hand grabbed ahold of my wrist, bringing me into a hard chest. I knew by the touch of skin that it was Harry.

"Get out of here, dick," he roared at the man. The guy left, but not before he nervously apologised over and over again. Harry was pretty intimidating and it takes a whilst to get used to, so I know how that guy feels, but he deserved it. A laugh escaped my lips as the man tripped over someones foot.

"You think this is funny?" Harry asked in a serious tone.

"Well, yeah, kinda," I admitted, shrugging my shoulders in the process.

"Get in the car, now." he demanded.

Sheesh, what crawled up his arse? I complied and walked through the backyard to the front and then to the sidewalk. I crossed the street and got to the passenger side of Harry's black Range Rover. There was a clicking sound emitted from the car and I opened the door. As I climbed into the seat and buckled myself Harry opened his door and got inside. He started the engine and we were driving away from the party in no time.

The whole ride back to the flat was awkwardly quiet. It was especially strange because our silences were never awkward, they were always comfortable, but this was very different than usual. I could sense the anger radiating off of Harry when the car was parked and he ripped the key from the ignition. The way he was acting made me want to get run away, but I knew he'd catch me and he would be even more peeved than he already was. So, I chose to follow a safe distance behind him up to the flat's door. He fiddled with the keys before finding the right one and throwing the door open. I hurried in past him, hoping to get into the spare room and lock the door. Just as it was about to close, his large, strong hand stopped it in mid-swing. I stepped back and he pushed the door open, stepping inside. Harry moved in closer to me and I kept backing up, but his hand grabbed onto my wrist tightly. His grip tightened as I struggled trying to relieve myself from his strong hold. I winced in pain at the increasing tight grip round my small wrist.

"Harry, you're hurting me," I cried out.

His eyes seemed darker than usual as he shoved me back into a wall. I tried to make myself as small as possible against the hard outer dry-wood. He got right in front of me, our faces only centimetres apart. His hot breath fanned across my face.

"Harry, stop it, you're scaring me," I pleaded, but it was no use.

I tried to get away by dodging his arm, but his hand caught onto my already sore wrist again. He pulled me back against the wall hard, me hitting my head in the process. He was never like this with me. What happened?

"Who was that?" Harry asked sternly.

"Wh-who," I stuttered.

"Don't play dumb with me. Who was he?" he demanded.

"I-I don't know."

"Dammit," he hollered, "then why were you dancing with him?"


"You don't know, right?" he asked almost threateningly.

"Stop it!" I shouted.

"You're mine!" he yelled back.

"Maybe I don't want to be!" I said back with the same volume and equal intensity.

His fist raised and I really thought he was going to punch me. Instead it collided with the wall, smashing through some of the drywall and making a sufficient sized hole. Harry stormed out and tears stung at my eyes. He slammed the door behind him. I slumped my body down the wall and sat in the foetal position, rocking myself as I cried my heart out.


He was hardly ever home after that and whenever he was he wouldn't speak a word to me. Even worse, he wouldn't dare to look at me. It was almost as if, if he looked at me then he'd burst into flames or something. Like when they say never to look the devil in the eye. To him I was the devil.

I crawled out of my bed and went into the sitting room. My stomach was too full of anxiety to hold down any food, so I skipped breakfast. Tears were brought to my eyes when I saw what was on the telly. It was the movie "A Walk to Remember". That's my favourite film and the first one Harry and I ever watched together. I quickly blinked away the tears and watched the telly intently. I wasn't going to let the past ruin a classic and amazing film.

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