Dear Hawkeye

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  The world? It wasn’t the nicest place. I learnt that the hard way. People that say they only want to help you and say they love you, only end up hurting you the most. I know most of this from experience. You can never really trust anyone. At least, that’s what I try to tell myself every now and then.

   In my mind, there was only a few people I could trust. One that got me into being bullied, teased, and things you wouldn’t want to experience. The Avengers. They were the only group of people that I trusted more then I trusted myself. I felt that I would do anything, anything at all to be apart of the family.

  But wishes and hopes never really do come true, to they? They were so much greater then real life. The letters that I have sent have never been replied to, I’m not even sure whether they were delivered. All I know is that I wrote things that were meant to kept only to myself, into that single piece of paper.

  For the first week, I thought that the post office sent my letter. The second week, I had the weakest hope. And for the past month, I had at least a little piece of hope left in my heart, before I found my letters inside the rubbish bin. I was heartbroken, to say the least. I poured my heart and soul into those letters, and somehow the postman just thought I was the type of girl that didn’t take anything seriously.

  How I fell in love with these group of extraordinary people, you ask? It was that cheesy piece of shit you would call “love at first sight”. When I had switched on the TV in Tokyo with my father, my eyebrows shot up in interest.

  Though, my attention was only directed to a man with a bow and arrow. His eyes were the lightest shade of blue, his hair was short, but perfectly matched with the man himself. His uniform was simply black and dark purple, and his code name was Hawkeye.

  For the first few weeks, I paid no mind to it. I thought it was just a silly little crush, until it became an obsession. I soon became the girl that stayed back for recess just to go to the library to search for The Avengers, find more information about the man with the bow and arrow.

  I was the nerd, you could say. I didn’t mind though, I got used to it. The second month, I fell in love with him without even talking to him. It seemed pathetic, and I would’ve talked to someone that I could trust, but it’s impossible to get out of my father’s sight.

  And if I were to talk to my father about it, he would scold me about it, telling me that love was only fake. I couldn’t blame him though, he had gone through a lot of losses in his life and soon, he just stopped believing.

  My mother died a year ago from brain cancer, but it almost seemed like a relief for Father. It seemed like she was just... ‘holding him back’ from Science, he claimed. Though, I know she didn’t. Mother rarely questioned him about his experiments, until the last day.

  When my mother left the earth, I turned into a science guinea pig. I was experimented from the age of thirteen. I’ve had different serums injected into different parts of my body. Some parts you don’t want a needle in. Like you’re ass.

  I never left the house, thanks to father. I stopped going to school. My phone was taken away from me, (not like I had anyone to text anyway), and finally, my laptop. The laptop was the hardest for me, because . . . what would I use to research The Avengers then? Though, I got over it. Like I got over everything for the past years.

  On my twenty-secondth birthday was the last I wanted to see of him. I planted a bomb in his lab, and waited for him to come home. But, he soon found out about by the beeping. He forced my to disable it, but I refused. So, he did something that I expected him to do.

  He locked me in his lab, expecting me to trash around and scream profanities at him. But honestly, all I did was sit down on the table, calmly waiting for my death. I didn’t have anything to live for, anyway. My whole life had been washed down the drain thanks to him.

  When the bomb clicked, I knew I was a goner. My eyes flashed to the rubbish bin, and my eyes locked on the piece of paper sticking out. The letter. The only proof of me, the proof of my existence. The blast sounded, heat and flames surrounding my body. My ears were ringing, my screams drowned out by the fire that died down. My eyes shut, and the moving of my body stopped. Together with my heartbeat.

Dear Hawkeye,

There’s a million things I want to say to you, but i’m not exactly sure how to. First, let me start of by saying how glad I am that you got my letter, and didn’t die under Loki’s command from the last attack on New York. The world needed you, and this may sound funny, but I may have needed you too. Eventhough you don’t know me, and I don’t you know, I feel strangely attracted to you. Not the lust, faze, or anything. I just feel like I could trust you. I feel like you could understand how I would feel. It’s weird, really. But I know you have chemistry with someone else. The Avengers have been my inspiration for the rest of my life. Now I’m begging you.

Come save me.


Lucy Stiles.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2013 ⏰

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