My Beliefs

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What is religion? The scientific definition of it is the belief of a person or persons with supernatural abilities. Who do I believe in? That is a good question not even I know. I believe in logic and reason. I am a Christian granted but not the average kind. I believe there is a possibility that there could or could not be a God. I don't necessarily believe in him for these reasons. What kind of a God would cause death like murder or slow painful deaths or suffering? Is it some twisted game to him? Does he torture people so they fear him? In my opinion, if there is a God, he is a sick excuse for a man. Why would he have sickness, why would he have murder, why would he have crime. In my eyes it may seem hell might be better that heaven with the way God has made the world. God has a plan they say, I don't believe that crap. That is all I have to say about my beliefs.

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