Chapter 13

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Chapter 13: Gavin

1540 — August 30th

Gavin and Elyn departed the castle that night, taking fresh horses along the path down to MacDonald land. The rain pelted their leather cloaks and the wind howled in their ears, but Gavin wasn't only warmed by the fresh clothes, but the confidence being near Elyn gave him.

They had taken the most brutal the highlands could offer, and he was glad he had extra to lend to Elyn. He looked at her as the rain sheeted off her cloak and onto the horse's rump. Gavin was nervous, but optimistic he could sway the Laird's favor. If his words couldn't convince the MacDonalds of what treachery had been laid against them, then Elyn's testimony should be all it would take.

He just hoped it wasn't too late. Without extra men at his side, if they ran into the MacDonald clansmen mid-march to the castle, he wasn't sure he could convince them of very much. He needed the high authority of Richerd MacDonald himself.

"Are you sure about this?" Elyn said after Eilean Donan had slipped out of view behind them. Gavin nodded gruffly and grunted. Elyn continued, "What are you going to tell the Laird... my father?"

"I'll tell him you're his daughter. If I can remember the birthmark tale, he can too."

"What if they donae believe you?"

He knitted his brow in displeasure. "I donae know."

She rode up alongside him and slung her arm under his elbow, patting his hand. "Me neither."


The hours passed with long and drawn out minutes. While the night waned on, he grew increasingly more anxious as he didn't spy another soldier or clansmen coming towards them. He felt like a sword was hanging above his head, threatening to fall at any sudden movement, any false charge or threat. The rain petered out, leaving the heady scent of wet earth and a gentle steam rising off the grasslands. The hooves of their horses still slopped in the wet mud, making sucking noises for every stride they took down the path.

Before the sun could peek above the mountains and wash away the total darkness, they spotted the gentle glow of Strome Castle far off in the distance, laying against the horizon like a figurine. With it in sight, Gavin felt a second wind surge through him as he pushed his horse to move faster and faster. Elyn fought to keep up, still getting used to the less precise balance needed to use a saddle. The sound of her labored breathing kept his mind's eye on her, so he felt reassured.

In the distance, the glow of a torch alerted him. He slowed the horses down with a stop that would have skidded them in dry conditions and held out his arm for Elyn to stop next to him. She slowed and brought her horse to a standstill.

"Look," he said. He pointed at the small glow of light. "Clansmen."

"How many?"

"I donae know. I can't tell yet. The sunrise will make a fool of me just yet."

He pulled off the road and leaped off his horse, beckoning Elyn to follow his example. He lowered the horses down and went prone, crawling on his hands and knees up to the small crest of the hill they were on. He peered over the top, feeling Elyn stir next to him, her elbow touching his gently.

The sun broke over the mountain and washed out the glow of the torchlight the men were using. There weren't as many as Gavin thought.

"Maybe five or ten men. Damn."

"What? Is that too many?"

"It's more than I can take. We're above them, but I donae know if we can get around them..."

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