Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Gavin

1540 — August 31st

Gavin led the formidable army of MacDonald clansmen from the front, heading down the weather and trail beaten dirt road toward Eilean Donan Castle. The sun lit his face and warmed his skin and he thought for a moment that he should be happy. But something was amiss. He glanced at Mathou, who was riding beside him, and tried to read his face. The highlander stared forward down the path, almost unblinkingly. Gavin couldn't figure him out. Something felt strange.

Gavin peered over his shoulder at the army and gave a sweeping look over the men. He had taken control of more than three hundred highlanders to help defend Eilean Donan Castle from Maxwell's men, and he was thankful to God he didn't have to fight the two armies at once.

Many of the highlanders looked fit and healthy, only a few scrawny stragglers among them. Wide and colorful flags bearing the MacDonald crest and tartan wagged in the prevailing wind pushing against their backs. He looked over the horizon and tried to gauge how far they were from Eilean Donan. It would be the rest of the day's ride at least.

He scratched his growing beard and sighed heavily.

"How do you know the Maxwells are the root of all this?" Mathou suddenly said, not turning his head. Gavin tried to identify the man's accent.

Gavin looked at him and cracked a smile. "Because the Laird told me so. When he had me thrown in jail at the capital."

Mathou nodded gravely. "I see."

Gavin snorted and pulled his cloak tighter against his shoulders, trying to fight the wind. The chill of autumn was setting in already. As hardheaded as it sounded, Gavin couldn't wait for the thrill of battle to warm him. He thought of Elyn, hoping she was making a quick recovery. He silently cursed himself for not visiting her, not making sure she was okay. He would see her soon enough, he thought. Gavin didn't want to waste time, but at the same hand he didn't want to push his highlanders too much. If they were exhausted from the trek, they'd be useless in battle.


After a couple of hours, Gavin and the men reached and passed through Dornie. Soon after that they reached the entrance of Eilean Donan. Barron met Gavin at the gates, whistling as he looked over his shoulder.

"I almost didnae think you could do it, Gavin. I thought you'd be a goner as soon as you left."

Gavin chuckled. "I'm glad for your vote of confidence, Barron. Where is Alec? I need to speak with him." Gavin forgot himself for a moment and grew serious. He turned and introduced Mathou. "This is Laird MacDonald's closest guard. He's always led the clansmen against any force that threatens the MacDonald line."

Barron nodded to Mathou. "I expect you brought food, we're nearly out ourselves."

A smile from Mathou. "Enough to feed an army, I'd say."

Barron laughed, nearly buckling over before catching Gavin's eye. "Alec is in his chamber, he's expectin' you."


Up in Alec's chambers, Gavin found him resting in one of his chairs. He turned and embraced his friend.

"Gavin! I see everything went well," Alec said. "How did it go?"

Gavin couldn't help but crack a broad smile. "I recruited the entire MacDonald army."

Alec gaped. "How many men?"

"Around three hundred, by my count."

Alec laughed at the insanity of it. He grabbed the back of a chair to brace himself as he regained his composure. He sniffed and looked around with worry. "Where's Elyn?"

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