What is your move gonna be?

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"I'll be fine. Go and enjoy yourself", I patted Louis' shoulder and pushed him forward. 

"I'll have my phone on though. Just call me if something happens, okay? Or call Liam" Louis stumbled a bit as he walked backwards.

Louis wasn't kidding earlier when he said he wouldn't let me be alone. He even got Liam Payne watching over me. That was really weird because  I didn't even know they were friends. But Liam was pretty cool though, he even knew how to play guitar. That was a big plus. Louis had only left me alone because I had assured him that I'd meet up with Harry.

As I walked closer to the house the music got louder. I sat down at the terrace and dig up my phone. Suddenly I felt pair of arms covering my eyes.

"Guessssh who?"

I could recognize that voice anywhere. 

"Mr. Harry Styles, I assume." The boy let out a laugh and sat down next to me. I could smell the alcohol from his breath. 

"Are you drunk already?" I asked. Harry shook his head, so that his curls were bouncing to every direction. 

"My man Zayn throws always the best parties. It's not my fault. Speaking of Zayn-" Harry giggled and  pulled me up with him, 

"-you really need to meet him."


Harry pulled me through the crowd until we reached kitchen, that's when he let go of my hand. 

"ZAYN! YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO THROW A PARTY!" Harry shouted, and pulled Zayn in a hug. 

"Who's your cute little friend over here?" Zayn asked, while looking straight at me.

 "Zayniepoo stop undressing him with your eyes it's rude." Harry laughed and patted Zayn's stomach. 

I gotta admit, Zayn was HOT. Like ridiculously hot, may I add. 

"My friend over here-" Harry moved to my side and put his arm over my shoulders,

 "-is in fact straight." Zayn looked rally confused, I could feel the blush creeping to my cheeks. This is embarassing. 

"But I could swear---" Zayn started. 

"I know mate. Your gaydar is never wrong", Harry said and tousled my hair. 

"Now, if you'll exuse us...." Harry started to lead me out of the room. 

"You're blushing-" he giggled, 

"-don't worry, Zayn's 100% gay."

"I'm not gay, Harry"

"Yeah yeah" the boy mumbled before stinging his tongue out. He had a tongue piercing. So hot.  Such an Prince charming.


Harry had left to get us some drinks. He'd been gone for like 20 minutes already, I found that a bit odd but I still waited for him to come back. 

"Sorry it took so long-" Harry appeared behind me, 

"-I just saw something really, really, really, really funny." The boy handed me a bottle of beer. 

"Thank you. Anyway, what was so funny it took you 20 minutes?" I took the beer and took a long sip.

"That's what I'm talking about Horan!"

I lifted my eyebrows as a question. 

"Your friend, Louis, had it going on with Zayn. I think it was an dare, but still", Harry shook his head in disbelief and took a sip from his beer. The hell? Louis and Zayn. Wow. The boy leaned in so that he breathed in my ear. 

"Wanna dance", he whispered. My breath hitched a bit and I nodded. A smug smile appeared on Harry's face as he pulled me to the crowd.


I managed to get a glimpse of Louis while me and Harry were dancing. He was laughing at something that Liam was saying. 

Me and Harry dancing. It was nothing huge, you know? We were just moving to the beat, no touching, but Harry was staring at me the whole time. The boy had already drank his beer so I gave him mine. 

"You want to try something else?" he shouted over all the noise. Try what else?  I nodded.

Harry moved closer to me, so that he was standing behind me. 

"You don't know how much I've wanted to touch you", he whispered to my ear. Oh god. I felt him step closer and put his arms around my waist. Holy fuck! What is he doing? The boy started to move really slowly.

I can't believe this is happening right now. Why is he doing this to me.
Shut up and enjoy the moment.

"You like that, don't you?" Harry asked with a husky voice. We had started to move a bit fasted so that he was now grinding on my back.


"Good. I'm enjoying this too", Harry started to grind even more and I started to feel the bulge in his jeans gettin bigger. He actually likes you. Atleast in some level. Or maybe it's just because he's drunk... And horny. Niall James Horan, don't think about it, just go with the flow.


It felt so good. I couldn't help myself when I let out a low moan. Harry started to chuckle and pulled me even closer. 

"That's my boy", he whispered in my ear. The music, his arms, his voice and his actions made the front of my jeans feel uncomfortable.

"I really want to kiss you right now", the boy whispered to my ear. Wait, what? Kiss me? At that he turned me over so that he could look me in the eye. 

"Me? You want to kiss me?" I asked in shock. 

"Yes you, you dump ass. Who else would I want to kiss?" Harry chuckled. Oh. He just stared me as in asking for a permission and I nodded. I really wanted him to kiss me, like really badly. He started to lean closer and my breathing got shallow.

And then, Harry's lips were on mine. I couldn't do anything else than to kiss him back. It was a sweet kiss, no tongue or anything, just a simple kiss. It wasn't so big deal. Who am I kidding? Harry fricking Styles was kissing me. He was a god, at least he was my own personal god. I melted in the kiss and forgot everything that happened around me. It was just Harry and me. Our lips moved in sync and I started to pull Harry's curls. The boy pulled away, smiling, as I whimpered for the loss of his lips. 

"Well, someone's eager for a straight guy", he laughed.

"The game's on and that was just my first move. So, what is your move gonna be?" and with that the lad, that made me question everything in life, walked away from me, disappearing in the crowd. What the hell just happened?  I couldn't help it but I started to feel really giggly as I thought what had happened only minutes ago. We kissed because HE wanted to.

Harry was right, what was my move gonna be?

~It's Just You And Me [Narry]Where stories live. Discover now