Can you play for me?

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I didn't wanna get out of bed, so I decided to sleep in. My mom had probably left for work already so I could skip school without her knowing. I had been drifting on and off sleep all night because my mind had been wandering. 

Suddenly the doorbell rang. 

"MOM!?" No answer. I groaned. The bell rang again. 

At this point I decided to check out who was standing at the door. I rolled out of bed and pulled on my old soccer shorts. I mean, c'mon it's not like The Queen of England was waiting for me  or anything. 

"Geez, chill out mate I'm coming", I muttered as I pulled the door wide open.

" Ha- - What the hell!?" The curly haired lad was wearing black skinny jeans, and by skinny I mean super-mega-ultra tight, and a too big red sweater.  Damn he was hot! 

"I, um.. You missed your first class" he mumbled. I noticed Harry's eyes roaming up and down my body and suddenly I became very conscious of me having no shirt on. 

"Are you gonna invite me in or what?" Harry asked looking me in the eye. 

"I thought only vampires need to get invited. Are you? A vampire?" Okay I may or may not have spend  movie marathon of The Vampire Diaries with Louis. I stepped aside so that the boy could come in. Harry chuckled a bit as he walked past me. 

"Are you skipping whole day?" he asked as he looked around my living room.

"What does it look like?" 

Harry turned to look at me. 

"Like you just woke up and don't know how to dress up" he said sarcastically. I just shook my head wondering what the hell was he doing here. 

"I actually came so that I could start my project. So could you please put on some clothes?" I turned to walk upstairs to my room and although my back was facing Harry I could still feel his eyes on me. It was my turn to chuckle a little.


"You don't look natural", Harry mumbled behind the camera. 

"It would help a lot if you'd tell me what to do. Otherwise it's not working", I said getting irritated. 

Harry let out of a sigh and headed upstairs. 

"Where do you think you're going?" I shouted after him. Without getting any answer I got up from the floor and followed him to my room. Harry stood next to my bed just eyeing my roof. 

"You found anything interesting?" Harry ignored my question once again and sat down to my bed. 

"You can play?" he asked suddenly. I followed his gaze and noticed he was staring at my guitar. I nodded. 

"Can you play for me?" he asked softly. I was bit unsure if I should play it or not, I noticed Harry staring at me with those oh-so-beautiful eyes. 


Okay Horan, just play something nice. Maybe some Ed Sheeran... Should I sing too? 

I don't want to sing in front of Harry. I mean, c'mon, even when he talks he sounds like a friking GOD and I'm seriously not that good singer. 

Okay, I'm not gonna sing. 

Harry waited patiently while I mentally prepared to play Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. I cleared my head and just got lost in the music. I could feel Harry watching me the whole time quietly. I played the last note and put my guitar back in it's case. 

"So, what did you think?" A big smile appeared to Harry's face so that you could see his dimples. 

"I loved it! You're really good."

I smiled back at him.

We spend rest of the day watching funny videos from Youtube, Harry taking few pictures here and there. 

"So, are you coming to that party next weekend?" I asked him. Harry paused the video we were currently watching and turned towards me. 

"Whose party is it?"

"Zayn Malik's. You know him?" I noticed Harry's body relaxing when I mentioned Zayn's name. 

"Yeah, I know him. He's my bro" Harry smiled. I snorted. 


"It just sounded funny. The way you said bro", I waved my hand in the air. Harry blinked a couple times waiting for me to continue.

"Don't worry, it was cute." 

For a second Harry looked like a lost puppy but then his face chanced, almost like he was pouting. 

"Well, I'm glad you find me so irresistable Mr. Horan. I'll think about the party", he said grossing his arms. Irresistable indeed. Harry Styles was the most amusing person I've ever met and I absolutely can't get enough of him.


*"I better get going before your mom gets home", Harry rose from the couch and started walking towards the front door. 

"Did you get anything?" 

He looked confused and scowled. 

"The pictures. Were they okay?" I chuckled. 

"Oh yeah. I'm sure they're okay. You'll see them when I've got everything I need" he shrugged. 

"Okay... Are you going now?" I watched him pull his shoes on. Harry nodded and smiled a little. 

"See ya tomorrow", and then he walked out. I stood there at least 10 more minutes until I couldn't see his figure anymore.

"Niall hun, are you okay?"

"What?" I shook my head and focused my eyes on my mom. 

"You zoned out darling. Maybe you should go and sleep", she smiled. 

"Yeah, is there anything to eat?" I asked before standing up. 

"I'll wake you up when dinner is ready. Go to sleep" I hugged her and whispered I love you ma to her ear before walking to my room and collapsing on the bed. I wasn't tired thought, I just couldn't stop thinking about one certain curly haired lad.

~It's Just You And Me [Narry]Where stories live. Discover now