Chapter Four

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Chapter four.

Tim's POV.

I woke up slowly and let my eyes ajust to the sun. I sat up and stretched and looked to Keith beside me. SHIT. KEITH. I need to get home! I sprung out of bed and jumped into my pants. I slipped a shirt on, I don't even know if it's mine. I looked at the clock on Keith's bed side table, damnit, it's already ten! I walked over to Keith's side of the bed and got down on my knees. I looked at him for a minute then kissed his cheek. I got up and walked down stairs. I set my hat on my head, found my keys and headed for my truck. Faith is going to be pissed! Pissed I tell you!

Faith's POV

I'm here making Tim a little snack for when he gets home, he Always sleeps late when he can. I was thinking that since the girls are out of town, Maybe me and him can have a movie and music day. Listen to Kristofferson, Strait, Willie, Reba, Patsy, all of the oldies songs we live together. We can also watch some Clint Eastwood or George Clooney movies. It would be awesome. Just an us day.

I heard the door slightly open, I turned to find a slightly nervous Tim, I think he thinks he's in trouble, Well NOPE.

I ran to him and jumped in his arms. I kissed him but he pulled out. He looked confused.

"What?" I asked smiling.

"You're not mad?" He asked.

"No! Why would I be? I didn't want you to give Deano another purple face, especially with a show in two weeks. that would be bad." I laughed.

"You're great." He smiled and set me down. Get kissed me again. He smells different, he smells like, Keith Urban.

"Babe?" I asked.


"Why do you smell like Keith Urban? "

"This is his shirt." He laughed.

"Why do you have Keith's shirt?"

"He was at the studio, and I, being the clutz I am, spilt coke on my white shirt. He had an extra in his car, he let me borrow it."

"You're such a, dunce." I laughed and put my arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I know I am." He laughed.

That's really awkward. But atleast he's going to have a movie night with me.

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