"It's Phil by the way"

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It was the first week of the summer holidays just before Dan's last year of secondary school, usually by now he'd be out with friends somewhere or who was he kidding he'd be in his room with the blinds pulled, on tumblr . But any way that wasn't the point, the point was Dan should be enjoying his last summer of freedom and boyhood but instead he's sat in the basement of a church that smelled of old people and funerals twiddling his thumbs awaiting the slightly too sweaty for propriety speaker in the centre of the room to begin his introduction. Ah yes bible camp! Dan's parents who are both devout Christians had decided that bible camp would be a great way for Dan to spend his summer before going into his final year that would consist of intense study or in Dan's case a horrific amount of procrastination and crying. This would be perfectly acceptable if dan wasn't an atheist who also happened to be so immensely gay. Dan didn't know how someone could be immensely gay but then he took a hard look at himself and concluded that he was immensely gay. This week was going to be fun.
Dan was snapped out of his thoughts when the man in the centre of the circle began to speak, "hi everyone, my name's Jeremy and welcome to bible camp! Are we all ready to embrace our spirituality and become one with god and learn his loving ways?' Dan rolled his eyes and stifled an exasperated sigh, this was going to suck the life out of him. Before the man could resume speaking the door entering the room was swung open, everyone glanced toward the tall boy entering the room and dan nearly gasped. God he was fit. Maybe dan shouldn't be using God's name in vain in a church but this guy was an exception. He was tall and thin but, not lanky, he had broad shoulders and he looked a little older than dan. The guy had raven hair and a fringe just like dan's only his was dyed blue. His whole aesthetic looked so attractive and hot, with his tattoo of a dragon on his neck and the tattoos covering both his arms that dan couldn't quite make out.
"Ah, Philip Lester good to see you again sir take a seat we were just getting started," Jeremy spoke making dan snap out of his gaze. "Great" Phil mumbled with false excitement, "oh, and it's Phil by the way" the boy corrected and flashed Jeremy a deceiving smile. God this guy just got hotter and hotter. The boy who dan knew now to be called Phil slumped down in the empty seat beside him and Dan had to resist the urge to stare because now he was so close Dan could see his piercing blue eyes that appeared bottomless and mesmerising. He also noticed his snake bite piercings and black disc ear rings , honestly dan was feeling a little intimidated sitting next to Phil.
"Nice flower crown ," Phil whispered against Dan's ear making him shudder as he could feel Phil's warm breath on his neck. "Thanks," Dan replied as Jeremy began to ramble on about what to expect over the next few days
"I like your snake bites" dan whispered almost inaudibly to Phil without breaking eye contact, sending a blush to Dan's cheeks. Did Dan mention how captivating Phil's eyes were? Because God damn were they something else. Phil eyed Dan up and down and gave him a sly smirk before turning to face Jeremy and faking interest. Things just got a little better for Dan.

A/N; thank you guys for reading! This is my first ever fanfic so tell me what you think. This was just a short chapter to begin with but there will be more to come!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2015 ⏰

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